Philp pov part 15

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Philp could not find his brother anywhere he came back home almost stuck in his own head he walked through the door seeing Lisas arm all bandaged up the bandage had blood stains all over them

Philp: what happened 

Lisa: someone attacked me and well I got hurt but its fine since someone stopped the attacker

Philp: who? 

Lisa: this dude named DJ and his friend Rose

Philp sat next to Lisa 

Philp: I'm just glad your ok

Philp gives Lisa a light kiss on the head and holds her close to him 

Lisa: oh by the way there also staying with us now 

Philp: oh? Really? 

Lisa: so how is the hunt for your brother

Philp: not well I kind of feel like he is hiding just right under my nose

sun giggles to himself as he sips some tea moon looks over confused

Moon: what's so funny sun

Sun: nothing its nothing really nothing.....I'm just gonna go to my room

Sun walks away while moon watched him a bit suspiciously moon follows sun Philp was also suspicious as well but was more focused on Lisa 

Philp: I should have expected jack would send more pepole to kill you maybe staying here may not be the safest place for you

Lisa: no no this places is fine look I have you and half of my brother I have raven she has her little magic thing and if I ever get kidnapped we can be tracked down by hades you brother Copernicus is oddly really good with building weapons mmmmm maybe you need to talk to him about that but Adam takes care of us sun has that weird thing where he can sense certain peoples prances and that dude DJ can pack a hell of a punch moon has his weird shadows and Pluto can heal us when ever where hurt we are more then safe here I could go on but I don't think I need too sun knows what jack feels like he can warn us if he is here where safe 

Philp: yeah your right I'm probably overthinking but if anything else happens to you then I will move you alight?

Lisa: ok Philp 

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