Raven pov part 7

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A guard starts to chase them down after dusk Brock the news and they all started to run the guard reported on his radio about a runaway and more guards started to help sun ran into an alleyway and they all followed him
moon: great how are we gonna get out of here now where surrounded
sun: no where not
moon: yes we are guards are covering all the exists and will get us any second now
sun: we have a way out
moon: no we don't
sun: yes we do
moon: if your so sure we have a way out why don't you show us the way
sun: ok
he looks at the wall and presses one of the rocks into the wall and a door opened leading to a tunnel
sun: see a way out
moon: where? how did you find this?
sun: my friend miles told me
moon: who's miles
sun: you would not know him
the all quickly go in and sun closes the door
moon: where dose this lead
sun: well if we leave through that path we can get to the venninc statue and from there we can take a short cut through willows peak and we can get to the side gate on the west wing there are not a lot of people there so it should be safer
dusk: willows peak i don't remember any willows peak
sun: well i mean not a lot of people are meant to know about it rachel showed me it and told me not to tell anyone but this seems like a different situation and i'm always willing to help a friend and first ever customer and i guess the strangers that she knows as well
they let sun lead the way through the tunnel and edventraly they leave through the other side they go through a secret path that only shown itself with a code you get to the other side of that and end up being near a gate that opend to the outside but needed a code to open
dusk: how are we gonna get this open
sun: well i know a code but since its not really the code its made for it only opens temporary and wont work till another three days so once its been put in you guys will have to run for it
raven: i think we can do that
sun puts the code in and the door opens some solders found where they where and started coming for them moon and dusk took out as many as they could but could not take all of them all of them
they all start to run for the gate that is now slowly starting to close adam got to the other side but a solder grabbed onto raven just before she could pass through sun saw this and grabbed a stick and whacked the solder over the head as hard as he could knocking the solder out another solder was about to attack sun but raven pulled him away the door was about to close on raven and sun saw this and pushed her to the other side tripping over himself and feel in between both sides about to get crushed by the gate raven quickly grabbed sun and pulled him towards her so he won't get crushed and sighed in relief once he was safe dusk and moon just finished off the last of the men but one had reported a break out so now more soldiers will be coming and next time they may not be so lucky
moon: ok sun we need to g-.........SUN
moon and dusk both just realized sun on the other side of the gate
sun: it was a mistake just try to open the door aging
dusk: how we don't have the code and your code wont work for another three days but we cant get back here in three days we have to go and there will be to many garuds near by for us to come back
sun: no no you can't leave me
dusk: we will get caught if we stay just stay with raven we will find a way to contact you when you can come back but for now you need to leave cuse the next time this door will be open are with guards and we can't risk you getting killed so we all need to leave this area
sun: no no you cant you cant leave me please
moon walks closely to the gate putting his hand through one of the bars letting sun grab his hand
moon: don't worry will only be gone for a little while
sun: but the stories
moon: the stories are not real you will be fine just calm down think logically and you will be fine
Sun: i wont be fine we always stay together through everything would if i need you guys
Moon: raven can help you if you need help
Sun: bu-
Moon: no no buts you have to leave or else you will get caught and if your caught you will die and you are way too important to us for you to die
Sun: i dont care i wont leave you and you wont leave me we can find a way to open this aging
Sun lets go of moon and starts trying to look for a way to get it to open and once he found no way he started trying to lift the gate door but no human could really do that he still tried anyways and his hand got cut scraping against the gate
Moon: sun stop you cant get it open
Sun: i can i am not giving up
Moon grabs his hands stoping them from trying to open the gate
Moon: sun look at me
He keeps trying to get the gate open
Sun looks at him
Moon: you
Sun: but i can
Moon: no you cant
Moon starts to hear footsteps in the distance
Moon: i cant stay neither can you you have to leave
Moon lets go of his hands and was about to run away from the area
Tears starting to stream down his face
Moon: calm down things will be ok just stay away for a little while at least its not forever
Sun: but would if something happens to you i wont be able to help would if something bad happens to me you cant help me we always do everything together i wont know what to do without you guys
Moon: you'll be fine just do what you think is best
He looks at raven
Moon: raven here just in case he wont go
He throws over a plant stem the same one that knocked out mark raven catches it moon walks closer to the gate near to sun looking like he was about to say something else to him but you hear a gun shot they hit moons arm he stepped back for a second dusk sees this and quickly grabs moon
Dusk: moon we have to go NOW
He pulls on moons hand to get him to follow but moon pushes back
Moon: wait hold up sun needs to know
Dusk: no time
He picks moon up and the both run off away from the area sun starts crying harder worried about moon raven sees this and thinks yeah we have to go raven grabs suns hand and trys to pull him to follow her
Sun: no no no no i cant leave here not now
He fights her to stay raven dose not have time for this so she uses the plant to knock him out and pick him up grabbed adams hand and ran into the forest where they where before the got into the forest just in time right when the solders got there the saw the closed door and thought there was no way they could have opened this and ran down the way moon and dusk left through to go try to find the rest raven kept running not trusting she is fully safe yet she dose not stop running till there all home once she gets to the house she quickly opens the door puts sun on the couch to let him rest and rushed over to lisa's room she was crying in pain she grabs tea boils some water and pours it in making a warm cup of tea philp had been sitting next to her worried the whole time holding onto her hand trying to show he was there for her raven pours the drink in a cup and gives it to lisa
Raven: im sorry its not gonna taste vary good but it will heal you
Lisa takes a sip of the drink and coughs a little not liking the taste and pushes away the drink lisa hand had been Turing green showing the poison was running deeper into her
Raven: you have to drink all of it
Lisa shakes her head raven sighs annoyed
Raven: fine
She forces lisa to open her mouth and forces her to drink the rest of the drink the pain stopped her arm was still green but you could see its slowly fixing itself
Lisa: bleh ew
Raven: sorry you had to drink it
Lisa: why did it taste so bad though
Raven: would you rather have a bad taste in your mouth for a little bit or die
Lisa: if it taste that bad die for real
Philp: lisa
Lisa: i'm joking i would choose bad taste over being dead any day
Raven: still rest for a bit to let the drink do its work through your body the poison is still there so if you move around it will take the cure longer to heal
Lisa: come on i was already forced to stay still
Raven: i mean you will be fine if you move around it just will become very painful but its your choice really
Lisa folds her arms annoyed and layed back in bed
Raven: just rest till all the green is gone
Lisa: who even was the ass hole who shot me
Philp: some random dude i was way too mad to ask any questions i just got mad and killed him it was so unorganized and with no plan as well and instead of being patient and make sure I keep my energy I just attacked as fast as I could it was so out rethem my captain would be disappointed in me
Lisa: what the difference you kill him ether way
Philp: but it was so messy and gross
Raven leaves the room and goes to check on sun and thinks about waking him up so he could get use to this place with someone he know instead of risking him waking up near a whole bunch of strangers raven thinks about for a little longer then woke up sun sun slowly opened his eyes and gets up not fully awake yet he yawned and started to rub his eyes
Sun: moon I had the worst dream where you and dusk left me and I had to st-
He stopped talking once he fully opened his eyes he looked at raven and looked around the house seeing how it's different then normal it was much brighter in the house with light shining through the window and without a bunch of buildings in the way it makes it give a calmer view philp left the room to get some food for lisa while she's resting sun sees philp a person he dose not know walking around and a new place that was not a dream it was real his eyes went from tired but calm to panicked and scared
Sun: no no no no no no no no no
He gets up and runs out the front door and raven chases after him he ran into the forest not knowing where he was going but knew he had to get out of there raven following behind him trying to not set off any traps tripping over rocks and sticks thinking how is he not getting hurt at all she eventually catches up to him looking like a mess after going through all of that while sun has not scratches on him sun started kicking and screaming trying to get out of her hands
Raven: calm down
Raven: no
She drags him back home dropping him in the front room sun ran to a corner of the room backing away from anyone philp gave lisa the food already and left her to rest and saw sun hiding near the wall
Philp: whos that
Raven: this is sun he is kinda trapped here till his brothers find a way to get him back home
Philp: oh
Philp looks at raven then at sun
Philp: why is he panicking in a corner
Raven: he is scared of the outside world
Philp: what do you mean
Raven: you know how I was vary jumpy when I first left my country
Philp: yeah
Raven: well he is like that but worst because he believes story's way to easily
Philp: oh
Philp steps closer to him and sun starts to cry
Philp: what did I do
Raven: you did nothing he's just scared half to death right now
Raven tries to get close to him and sun pushes raven away and hides under the table crying louder
Raven: calm down
Sun curls up into a little ball crying on the floor under the table
Raven: you fine just come out from under there they won't hurt you I promise
Raven brings her hand out to calmly grab suns hand but before she could touch him he threw his shoe hitting her in her face
raven: ow ok ok I will
Sun keeps crying harder now
Raven walks back and forth upset not knowing what to do here he is normally the one that's happy all the time so it's bothering her that he's upset she sits next to the table on the floor for a hour and then goes back to pacing around the room for another hour then tries to make faces at him to cheer him up it just ignored her and kept crying she did that for half a hour he was crying the whole day while raven keeps changing what she's doing ether trying to help sun or moving around in a panic she picks up his shoe he threw at her and eventually just put it next to him the more sun cried the more raven felt bad once the sun came down and night started lisa finally was able to be up and about Lisa walks in covering her ears
Lisa: what's with all the crying
Philp: it's the dude he is in a panic and raven can't figure out how to get him to feel better
Lisa: ughhhhhh it's so annoying it's been going all dayyyyyy
Philp: I cant really stop it
Lisa: why is he crying
Philp: I think it's because he can't go home
Lisa: oh
Lisa tries to help Raven but he stays crying no matter what anyone does he is upset

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