Jack pov part 4

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he was following the woman why would she help a totally stranger and she just believed everything he told her like that she had told him her name was rose they walked into a village him shivering in fear he did not know why he was so nervous no one could or know who he was to all of the he is just an average dude she had helped find a way for people not to recognize him and since he was away from reflections when he put it on not even the writer will know who he is so he did not have to be so nervous but he was he ruined a man's life just cause he was foolish enough to trust this man he kept his head down rose noticing jacks slow pace
Rose: you can make a new start no one will see who you are
Jack: I don't deserve a new start I deserve to suffer for what I did not just that man but to his people too
Rose: your not a bad man you don't deserve to suffer trust me I met a lot of bad pepole and they got faced with the facts and ignored them there is a difference between bad pepole and pepole who has done bad things you hung around the wrong pepole who lead you down the wrong path a bad person would ignore the facts and ignoring what they did wrong you noticed what you did wrong and even better you try to change you want to become better and i believe you will as long as you start talking to better people and you start working on yourself you will stay better as long as you don't follow anymore of the bad people and ignore that dude that you see he really is no good for you from what I'm hearing about him
Jack: you don't need to to tell me twice hay um what are we doing here
Rose: well you have been stuck around the writer the whole time he introduced you to pepole who lead you down the wrong path your whole life and so when you got older you could not tell the difference between pepole you should stay by and who you should stay away from since you kinda grew up with him in your head so you end up pushing the good ones away and kept the bad so I'm gonna try to get you to finally meet some good ones so you can help tell the difference if the writer dose find out who you are and talks to you and you can ignore him till he gives up on convincing you so I brought you to the nicest village I know
Jack: it looks like it's gonna fall apart
Rose: well yes but it's the nicest
Jack: how is it nice if everything Is breaking
Rose: because of the pepole there the friendliest people you will ever meet
Jack: they look boring can we leave
Rose: why are you nervous
Jack: I'm not nervous
Rose: you are and you don't have to be no one here knows who you are and if they do they won't care since all believes in second chances as long as you don't mess with them they won't mess with you
Jack try's to walk back to where they were before she grabs the collar of his jacket and drags him deeper into the village as jack complains and insults the place the whole time rose looks annoyed and would normally yell at him for insulting this place but he knew the reasons for insulting the place was not cause he did not like it or anything like that he was doing it cause he was nervous feeling like pepole will already hate him before meeting him so he has decided to insult them before they could insult him nervous they won't accept him so if she wants to introduce him to someone she may need to find someone who is willing to stay even after being judged unlike what jack knows she has known him when she was younger she never talked to him but he was a kind kid till something happened and he started to behave badly now she has the whole pieces of the puzzle on why he changed so she has to find someone willing to work to change him back if jack ever wants to talk to philp again and make amends he needs to change his attitude jack would totally reject the idea of talking with philp aging but I think he needs it if he wants help to stay out of the writers grasp so he has to peeper to have him deal with his worst enemy pepole first she will show him some good pepole to introduce too and teach him how to make good friends then I will teach him how to reject bad pepole she may need a step by step plan
Get jack to talk to people that are good to him
1. Get jack to not insult people
2. Get jack to reject bad people
3. Get jack to talk to philp
4. Get jack fully away from the writer

Simple step to step plan first is step 1 she reaches to a art studio with a man who was making pottery
Rose: hello Louis how are you
Louis stops the pottery spinner and looks at rose with a big smile
Louis: hello rose I'm good long time no see how's your mum doing
Rose: she's feeling better she actually said a few words to the doctors yesterday
Louis: ayyyyy progress see she'll be up and about in no time
Rose: I hope so
Louis: who do you go there
Rose: oh yes this is.....uhhhhhh dj
Louis: you made that up on the spot
Rose: he is in a place right now where his identity is not best to be known
Louis: ahhh so like your sister
Rose: yeah kinda like that
Louis: hay dj how are you
Jack was trying to get out of roses arms
Jack: rose let me leave
Rose: no
Louis: wow really like your sister hah she behaved the same when I met her too did rose force you over here as well
Jack looks at Louis and stops fighting rose realizing someone is watching him now
Louis: looks like you have calmed down how are you
Louis: where are you from
Louis: what do you like to do
Louis: dj you not have to be nervous I'm not here for a fight
Louis sighs and just sits next to him on the floor where jack kinda was laying on since he was trying to fight rose earlier Louis just sits there till jack would feel comfortable enough to say something jack sat there for hours not saying anything then when he realized this man ain't leaving and rose won't let him leave till he talk to someone jack nervously taps a rythem on the floor
Rose: say something dj
Jack: i did say something to him
Rose thinks for a moment
Rose: ohhhhh mores code he said hi Louis
Louis: oh I mean I guess if you have a hard time talking with other pepole then I guess that's a smart way of communicating instead hi dj how are you jack taps on the floor
Rose: he says he's fine
Louis smile
Louis: that's good your jacks lovely it's near from the kingdom walls right
Jack nods
Louis: oh how wonderful
Jack knocks on the floor
Rose: no your not done yet you where asked like two questions I should be forceing you to talk instead of mores code but I accept this way so at least stay a little longer and get to know him he's a good guy you know he won't bite right
Jack looks at Louis then back and rose and knocks on the floor
Rose: you get on my nerve sometimes
Louis: what did he say
Rose: nothing don't worry about it
Louis: rose why are you trying to get him to talk to me you normally do this with other pepole you only give me pepole to talk to if there is an important reason
Rose: we will talk about that later not now
Jack knocks on the floor
Rose: no don't worry about it
Jack sighs out of annoyance and mumbles to himself
Rose: what you got something to say dj
Dj flips off rose she looks at him pissed off and was about to yell at him when louis kinda gusters calm down he kneels down to dj
Louis: dj are you alright
Dj folds his arms and turns his head away from louis showing an image of an annoyed face on his mask
Louis: something she said bothered you for a reason i dont think you know didnt she dj moves his head back to louis but still facing the floor
Louis: what did she say that bothers you do you know
Jack knocks on the floor
Rose: really? You making a big deal out of that you are just stupid arent you
Louis: what did he say
Rose: he has a problem with saying that i was gonna talk privately to you about him then tell him not worry about it
Louis: i mean that makes sens he dose not want us talking about him behind his back he dose not know what your going to say about him so he got upset over it
Rose: well that stupid i mean its not like i was gonna explain anything bad that was happing just explaining the situation privately
Jack thinks back with philp talking with a doctor he asked what they where talking about and he said nit to worry about it and to go watch the other kids jack felt he was not wanted here so he started to leave as he walked away he heard his name be mentioned from philp talking how he was worried about him who he talking to himself thinking someone is there the whole time when no is there when he was little i assumed it was an imaginary friend but now its worrying me he dose not have many friends because of it and people talking about how he is crazy and it had started getting worst when our dad died he spent more time alone talking to himself and stopped going outside and lately he would not leave his room because of our step mum and i feel like he has become relint on this person he says hes seeing and he tells me how its trying to get him to do different things its not normal im worried about him jack tears up hearing this since philp always told him he he was normal how he should just be himself and it dose not matter what other people thought of him it did not matter what others thought to him because he had philp on his side the only thing that mattered was what philp thought of him and how philp perceived him no one else mattered since philp was his brother he mattered what he thought of him he was always by his side he was different but now he proved to be just like everyone else thought he was weird and hated him just like everyone else did he told him one thing and ment another and after that talk with the doctor he sent him to talk to him porsonaly face to may face and the doctor gave him medication that just made his head feel weird numb and depressed plus it comfermed to everyone else that he was carzy he tears up thinging about this memorie
Louis: how would you feel if people talked behind your back
Rose: i would not care i mean why dose he care so much
While they where talking jack stood up slowly and started to walk away rose notice him walk away
Rose: where are you going
Dj tapped his foot
Rose: you want to be alone why
Rose hears sniffling she realized he was crying
Rose: are you crying
Jack shakes his head
Rose thinks and sighs
Rose: ok you can go
Dj starts walking away when rose gabs his arm dj turns to look at her and she hugs him
Rose: I'm sorry I don't know why your so upset over this but I am sorry
Dj pauses for a moment then hugs her he taps his foot * sorry for lashing out at you*
Rose: dose not matter it's alright
Dj let's go and walks off rose and Louis start to talk in private while jack left the art studio he went to the back of the building away from people and he takes off the mask tears rolling down his face is it worth it to be Dj instead of jack when people will still treat him the same but wearing a mask all the time will anyone ever forgive him for what he did he takes out a lighter from his pocket starts lighting the flame and turning it off he turns on the flame
He should suffer for what he did he such and awful person
He turns the flame off
He should have done everything no one will ever change till you force it out of them they deserve to suffer
The flame turns on
But the reason they acted that way twords him was because he treated them poorly he needs to work on himself
He turns the flame off
The writer was right there all monsters
He turns the flame on
There not he just fed that into your head makeing you think there bad pepole but there not if anyone deserves to suffer it's you you killed the king you messed things up with philp you where the one who trusted the writer and you are the reason this whole mess started it's all your fault you started all of this he looks at the flame from the lighter takeing off one of his gloves he slowly put his hand over the flame feeling the heat on his skin he slowly put it closer to his hand thinking it was your fault all these pepole are suffering it's your fault all these people where talking badly about you it's all your fault no one is happy the flame got too close to his skin starting to burn it at first his hand flinches away from it but once he realized the pain he started to put it closer and let it burn him let it hurt him tears rolling down his face but he was smiling he found a way to make himself suffer for what he's done he started to burn it till there was a black mark on his hand rose started yo look for him after awhile of looking she found jack burning himself behind the building he had let the flame spread on his hand and burn the whole hand rose quickly pulled his hand away from the lighter but it had started it's own flam on his hand so it was still lit up she pulls his hand too the ground and grabs her jacket shivering it onto his hand smuthering all the air away from his hand killing the flame once the flame was out she took a moment to breath then look at jack
Jack: what?
jack: I did something bad I'm punishing myself for it
Rose: who the hell taught you to discipline yourself like that
Jack thinks back to when he argued with his father once and his response was to shove his back into a burning flame from the oven pushing him down aggressively on it
Jack: I don't know some where
Rose: and where's your mask why don't you have it on
Jack: I am alone I don't need it
Rose: would if you saw your reflection with it off the writer could appare and get stuff in your head again and make you go back to what you where before you have to go somewhere where you know won't have anywhere to look at you if you had looked into that Brocken glass over there or into that window everything would have been over for you
Jack: sorry
Rose sighs and just puts the mask on
Rose: someday when I can ensure your safety you won't have to worry about wearing this but for now you do and now about your hand
She grabs the glove next to him then picks him up
Jack: put me down
Rose: not at the moment
She brings him in the art studio and brings it to a bathroom puts him down letting him stand and grabs his burnt hand turned on the cold water and put his hand in the water his reflex's told him to pull away because it burned even more steam was comeing up from his hands rose held his hand still in the water
Rose: if you did not do this to yourself you would not be here
Jack was fine with him feeling hurt but his reflexes just told him to pull away he ignored his reflexes for the bit allowing his hand in the cold water Louis walked by and stoped when he saw this
Louis: what's happing
Rose: Dj burned himself im putting it under cold water to help it heal
Louis: oh.....OH IS HE OK
Rose: he's fine
Louis: did he do it on purpose
Rose: yeah but it's alright
Louis: why did he do it
Rose: let's not discuss right now
Louis: how did you find out
Rose: I know your worried but let's not talk about this right now what we should focus on is getting him better then maybe we will talk about it later
After awhile of putting his hand under water she starts to put on some ointment on the burn so it won't scar on his skin or get infected with a clam tone she asked
Rose: so you wanna talk about why you where trying to punish yourself like this
Dj looked away
Rose: Dj we can't help if you don't talk about it
Rose: you understand what you did was wrong right
Rose: Dj will you say something please
Dj taps his foot *what do you want me to say*
Rose: tell me what's going on why you felt the need to harm yourself I don't know anything at least show me you acknowledge what you did was wrong
Dj taps his foot *but what I did to wasn't wrong I deserve to suffer I ruined a whole nation*
Rose: ok yes that was wrong to do the "thing"
She said thing since Louis is in the room
Rose: but that wasn't all your fault you had not control the writer had control over you
Dj taps his foot * I did have control I should have refused to kill him I should have told him no*
Rose: but he manipulate your mind to think you had no choice to say no did you feel like you had a choice in the situation
Dj slouches down not saying anything
Rose: ima going to take that as a no so that proves my point if we think about things really the writer really did the "thing" and not you since he controlled what you did
Rose: it wasn't your fault
She finishes fixing up his hand and let's go of it once she did Dj try to leave
Rose: where do you think your going
Dj stops to look at her
Rose: where not done just because I healed your hand where going to keep discussing about this issue you need to confront your problems not run away from them
Dj fidgets with his hands as he sat back down near her
Rose: now tell me how did the idea to burn yourself in the first place appear
Dj ignores the question still figieting with his hands as he looks down watching his hands move rose keeps trying to talk to him but he was just so done with everything he would not listen he thinks the only reason she is here right now is to make sure he dose not go back to the writer and kills another person from the royal family honestly he should just die so she won't have to worry about takeing care of him that will make everything better for everyone right? Before he could second guess that thought he saw a sword around Louis waist strapped onto his belt he quickly grabs the sword and gets so close to slicing his own neck but rose quickly grabs him before he could do anything pinning him down on the floor so he won't hurt himself jack thinks back to when his father would pin him to the floor and then just hit him over and over and over aging the pain from each attack would not disappear for a week and getting though almost everyday making the pain last for years he did not care to be hurt but he knew if he was down he could not protect philp when he was getting hurt thinking about that made Dj kick and scream at rose not talking just screaming in panic as he cry's rose try's to hold him down it getting harder and harder with every kick he started to scratch and claw at her Louis takes a hold of Dj telling him he can handle Dj she needs to get something so they can hold him down for longer without both them loseing there strangth rose comes back with a rope and the tied him to a bed and stepped away from the bed both kinda scared of him on what he may do but Dj did not want to hurt them he just kept flashing back to the past makeing him relieved the worst parts of his life over and over aging him crying extremely hard trying to lift his arms or legs rose had to leave the room feeling extremely bad with a the historical crying after awhile he calmed down stopped trying to kick out of the bed kinda giveing up but he still cried externally hard he cried for hours then finally silence rose slowly walked back into the room slowly rose asked Louis to leave and he did close if the door behind him she closed the blinds and covers all reflections she could see and took off jacks mask tears still rolling down jacks face
Rose: can I untie you now will you attack me or yourself
Jack looks away from her him almost whimpering like a puppy dog she looks at him he looked embarrassed for and humiliated like he felt utterly defeated it was kinda easy to get him here how the hell did this man kill the king she thought and realized there is probably a lot more then she knows about him and plus he did not truly want to hurt us so she still dose not know him when he actually wants to harm someone for real but ether way he probably is done trying to hurt them so she unties him and he sits up crossing his legs and putting his hands on the edge of his feet looking down he almost kinda looked shy and cute in this position like a sad cute little puppy
Rose: are you alright I did tie you up kinda tightly
Jack shrugs
Rose sighs
Rose: I'm sorry for tieing up it's all I could think of to stop you
Jack: I understand
He says softly but in pain
Rose: jack are you alright
Jack: you already asked me that
Rose: yes but that was for tieing you up but what about you are you alright I first met you and you where alone upset then I had at talk with Louis and you freaked out then you burnt yourself and when I try to talk to you about it and you try to kill yourself and I had to restrain you are you alright
Jack: I'm fine
Rose: your not fine I have had to help with pepole before and they never repeated things this much over and over aging what did the writer tell you to make you get like this this has only been the first day you have been here so don't tell me your fine tell me the truth
Jack: I'm ok I just freaked out for a bit
Rose: why what caused you to freak out this much if you get a mental episode or break down later in the day you get better or you at least calm down but things seem to be escalating there must be a reason for all this stress and panic
Jack: if it's too much the leave
Rose: what
Jack: if it's too much then leave me alone I never asked for your help
Rose: but you need it you never asked but you need the help and I never said this was to much for me I'm just worried about you
Rose reaches for his hand and holds it tightly
Rose: I am here for you and I love you
Jack flashes back to the last time he heard someone say I love you to him when he was only 5 years old as he watches his mother pass away she said in her final breath "I love you my sweet boys" rose Hugs jack reminding him of his mothers touch jacks eyes flooded with tears he had not heard someone loved him for almost 14 years now he starts balling out crying holding her tightly to him she felt the tears on her shoulder she moves him away from her for a little to see jacks face it was mixed with sad and happiness
Rose: you alright
Jack: yeah.....just never heard someone say I love you to me in....awhile
Jack still holding on to her tightly rose sort of held on to him a little tighter then before feeling bad that he had not heard I love you in so long that he cried hearing it come from someone she hears a bang come from outside a loud bang like a bomb had been dropped rose quickly put jacks mask back on and told him to stay there Dj got up to investigate as well but rose sat him back down on the bed she did not want him to get hurt more then he already had been and did not want to add more stress on him ether she leaves the room and Dj try's to follow her then she would have to go back and sit him back down on the bed till she locked him in the room she left the room and it was the trio again once every month the trio would come by make a mess of the village steak there stuff destroy some things and leave she was sick of these guys but she could not do anything about it or else she gets in trouble for harming them but they get to go scot free when they hurt others it was unfair but things will be worst for this place if she was kicked out so she just had to watch they also have a habit of takeing kids around 19 and older to work for their boss but she did not have anybody here that was 19 or older so she did not have to worry except that jack is now 19 and older but they did not know he existed so they would no take him she was gonna walk back inside when she heard one of them say that they saw her take in a 19 year old boy in that place pointing to theirs her eyes widen and went to jacks room as soon as I could he just barely picked the lock and opens the door when rose just barely came up the stairs
Rose: the hell what are you doing
Dj just stands there like he just been caught doing a crime or something
Rose: ugh dose not matter you need to hide
Dj taps his foot
Rose: someone gonna try to take you
Rose hears a knock on the front door
Rose: go go go
She whispers
Dj had no idea what was going on but decides to listen to her he looks around for the best place to hide as rose to go open the door he was gonna hide in the closet but he saw something behind the closet he moves it slightly and and there was a passage way he puts himself in the passageway and puts the closet in front of the door it was a small spot but it had enough room for him to curl up on top of a chest and hide he hears two men come into the room he hears crashes like there throwing stuff around looking for something or someone is that why rose wanted me to hide why do they want me

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