Autistic Wednesday

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Credits to: KT0906                

(I added a title because there wasn't a title for the chapter)

Wednesday was sitting underneath her dark , warm blankets crying her impenetrable eyes out, it had been like that all day. Now she did not know the cause for this unnecessary Profligate nuisance . It bothered her. She hears the door fly open as she desperately drys her eyes. "Wednesday? It's me, Enid. Are you okay?" She asks worryingly. Enid stands directly in front of Wednesday, the only thing blocking her view is the useless blanket. Wednesday could see Enid but Enid could not see Wednesday. Enid pulls the blanket off and a wave of shock proclaims her face. "Wow... am I dreaming?.. were you?..." Enid starts before Wednesday cuts her off "speak of this and I will return a favor of smothering you in your sleep." ." Ah. Right.." Enid reply's, a disturbed look on her face.

"What's up..?" Enid asks, calmly, heading over to Wednesdays bed, sitting beside her, comforting her with her soothing voice slowly pulling Wednesday in for a hug. god damn, her voice soothes Wednesday.

"I'm uncertain, recently I've been feeling rather Ambivalence. Whenever I step foot into that feeble-minded hellhole they call a school. I feel as if my eardrums are about to burst at any moment and bleed out, such a rather terrible feeling, usually I'd enjoy it but it pisses me off." Enid is taken a-back by Wednesday swearing.. it's unnatural for her. Enid watches as Wednesday pulls away from the hug standing up from the bed, grabbing a black lighter and a black packet which contained 20 cigarettes. "What your experiencing is a sensory overload, common in people with autism and ADHD, probably some others too. But Wednesday what have we said about you smoking.. especially in our dorm" Enid stomps off the bed, Coming towards Wednesday and hugging her from behind as Wednesday lights her cigarette.

"Hm.. I suppose I'll bring fourth the overload thing to Kinibott tomorrow. And my smoking problem should have nothing to do with you, after all, it's my choice." She says blowing the smoke out her mouth. "I guess you do you.." Enid says still hugging Wednesday.

Not long after, Wednesday finishes her cigarette. Enid is sitting on her bed. Wednesday goes over to her, just inches away from Enid's face, Enid is too busy on her phone to notice. "Enid." Wednesday says, Enid jumps. "Ah. Wednesday you scared me, why are you so unreasonably close, what's up?" She asks. Wednesday moves Enid's phone and makes the space between them lessen. "Uh Wednesday?" Enid says as the smell of nicotine comes prominently closer. Wednesdays cold, Purplish, rough but soft lips land against the blondes soft rosy lips. The blonde returns the kiss, it definitely didn't last as long as Wednesday would hope. Enid pulls away shocked, as her face flushes a certain type of pink. Wednesdays eyes open wide. Realising what she done. "Ah... I JUST REMEMBERED!! I must attend a certain congregation summoned by Eugene." Wednesday blurts knowing it isn't true. She throws on her shoes and leaves, leaving Enid alone, holding her face flushed a certain shade of pink/red.

Yup, Wednesday is soft for Enid.

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