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Credits to: skullz4benny

wenclair angst, yoko/enid happy ending


After the events of Crackstone at Nevermore, Wednesday had become admired by nearly everyone at Nevermore. This annoyed her because she knew that without Enid, she wouldn't have even been alive to save the school.

When Wednesday and Enid had started dating, nobody was surprised. The two girls had confessed in the middle of another big argument, and before Enid could start packing her stuff in a red duffel bag, Wednesday blurted out how she felt about the wolf.

Enid had returned her feelings, and the girls had gone out on a few dates before making it official and calling themselves girlfriends.

It had been one year since then, and the girls were now in the middle of senior year. Enid had begun taking a special lycanthropy training class, which Bianca said was just a fancy and more grueling physical education. The blonde was practically set on being an artist when she got into college, and was now in several painting and pottery classes.

Meanwhile, Wednesday was nearly done with her novel, and had joined a musical club in Jericho that needed a cellist for their upcoming performance. Wednesday said she found the group's calm and brooding personalities comforting, and that she felt that she somewhat fit in when she played with them. Enid had initially questioned Wednesday about this, wondering if the goth was good with playing with other people, and not being a solo artist. Wednesday responded calmly, saying she found their mixed sounds and songs she could not play on her own satisfying enough to make her stay.

And from then on, Wednesday had begun to meet up with her new friends every Sunday, playing and practicing for exactly one hour before discussing further options for recitals and performances. During this time, the group would share ideas with their peers about what songs to play, or what to change up during their next meeting.

Now was this time, so the group gathered in their respective seats in a circle in the back of the large room, before Phin, their pianist began to speak.

"I found this poster down at the Weathervane yesterday, the town is looking for someone to perform at the theater next week." The boy pushed his skinny fingers through red hair, before pushing his glasses up his nose and sniffling.

"Will Jericho even let Wednesday perform? I mean, after what happened last time she played..." Charlotte reasoned with Phin, turning her head to look at Wednesday, with a soft look in her eyes. Charlotte had always taken sympathy for Wednesday, her mother was the nurse who helped Wednesday heal up in the hospital. She knew exactly what happened years ago, and often checked on the goth to make sure she was alright.

"I'm sure after saving her whole school, the mayor would let her play. Without her, Jericho would be a mess." Ophelia spoke up, placing her violin in her case before sitting next to Wednesday. "If the mayor doesn't let her play, we'll tell him I won't perform in town square anymore. He's sure to agree then, yes?" The girl turned toward Wednesday, giving her a soft smile before leaning over to whisper in her ear, "I'll make sure you get to play, okay?"

Wednesday gave her a curt nod, staring at light brown hair and soft green eyes. Her group had always told her Ophelia was into Wednesday, and she always noticed the taller girl flirting with her, complimenting on how good she played her cello that day, or how her bow looked extra shiny. Wednesday was always polite and gave her an honest thank you, sometimes sharing her opinions on how she enjoyed hearing Ophelia playing her violin so smoothly.

Ophelia had always given her the softest smiles, tucking brown her behind her flushed ears.

Today, Wednesday and Ophelia had stayed behind after their practice because Ophelia wanted Wednesday to teach her a little on the cello. Wednesday had nothing better to do that day since Enid was out with Yoko, so she agreed.

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