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This WILL BE the last update for a little while.
I'll be honest here. I hate the fact that chapters are months apart now, and I hate the fact that I'm apologizing for every single wait. I also hate rereading this book that I wrote over 2 years ago now, which is CRAZY to think about. But.
I wanted to get this book just DONE by the end of the summer, but I only have three or four weeks left and there's no way I'll be able to write all of that without rushing too many things. That has changed because of Across the Spiderverse. It's the first thing in years to completely just take FNaF's place in my fandom radar. And I do still love every single itty bitty piece of news we get about FNaF, but I feel like the Funtime Freddy hype had died down in me for a good while.
It's completely fine, which is why I'm going to stop beating myself up over it. Now the remaining hype I have from ATSV is, well, the Spot.
Because I'm so normal about him.
Finishing by the end of the summer was a bit unrealistic, so I'll keep a more manageable goal. I want to finish this book by the end of my upcoming Senior year. It'll be a little sentiment to something I started my Freshman year and ended my Senior year. At this point, I have so many author's notes it's like a diary of some sort, going through my years in high school.
I'm going to take this hiatus. Not because I'm out of ideas or I have writer's block. I simply want to stop worrying about getting the next chapter out of this book and write what I want to write for a bit.
There will be no updates whatsoever until Halloween, maybe a little sooner. Maybe even a lil bit later. It depends, really, since Ruin is coming out and it might respawn the FunFred love and FORCE me to keep writing. I know I'll write about Sun and Moon at least 🤭 But Halloween is the plan.
By then, I'll have everything planned out and maybe some bits here and there already written. I want to end this book on a somewhat good note. Of course, I always knew I'd have to kind of rush to the end, but who cares? It's a Wattpad book. If I wanted to write something good, I should have CHOSEN A PLOTLINE and STUCK WITH IT instead of messing up Y/N's literal AGE. DRASTICALLY.
I'll have things written out, drawn out, and all that to make a good ending. The new "sequel" chapters will have their own separate book as well so they're more distinct from the first story.
So, this is it for a bit longer than usual. I'll still get some headcanons and short oneshots for the Ruin DLC on my oneshots fic, but as for this story, I'll take a break.
See y'all later

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