~~17: TNX Kyungjun - Hands Off Pt.2~~

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⚠️TW: slight mention of SA⚠️

It's been five days since the incident and I've been constantly texting y/n to check up on her to see if she's doing okay and everything. So far we've facetimed for every night that she's been off school and it seemed to really get her to focus on something other than Daeho for once.

I'm so glad he's gone, all he did was cause trouble and crime. I'm proud of myself for speaking up to him, it needed to be heard.

Anyways, I'm on facetime with y/n at the moment and I'm sat at my desk doing my homework while talking to her and laughing with her at the same time. She also occasionally helps me with the certain things I don't know in the homework.
"Kyungjun-ah, I realised I never properly thanked you for all you've done, so thank you so so much, I appreciate it and I don't know what I would've done without you. Everytime you tried to take my focus off that dickhead, it worked and I'm so greatful that you actually want to help me out in this. Like right now, I'm all happy talking to you and it's great. So for the last time, thank you Kyungjun-ah." she said and smiled at me. I of course smiled back and replied with "don't even mention it. I mean what was I supposed to do, watch?"
We both subtly laughed at my statement.
"Besides, making other people happy is what makes me happy. So I'm happy right now because you are too and that's all I care about. y/n if you need anything, and I mean anything, then just know I'll always be by your side and you can tell me anything. I'll never leave your side, you can count on me, yeah?" I reassured her with a comforting smile on my face.
"Thanks so much Kyungjun-ah, if I could hug you right now, I would." she said. That warmed my heart honestly. Ah, she's so cute.

"I hope no one like that shows up again." she says.
"Me too. If they do I'll punch them in the face and make them regret not only what they did so hard, but their entire life choices too." I say back and she laughed at what I'd said.
"People like that just don't belong in schools or anywhere public really. They need to be educated on how to be civil and all that stuff." she said.
"Mm, yeah." I replied.

"I think I'll come back tomorrow." she said "I think I'm ready to come back, I mean he's gone now anyway and you're gonna be there and so are my other friends so I think I'll be fine."
"Are you sure y/n-ah?" I asked her.
"Yeah. If you have something to say then please say it."
"It's just, I would use up all the maximum time I'm given if I were you. It gives you more time to recover from it and learn what to do from then on. It's also a good bunk. But it's your choice, just saying." I said.
"You're right. I should learn to stand up for myself to be fair. Well more so to be a bit more brave. I do agree that using up all the time I was given is good to recover and learn but I don't want to miss anymore days of school than I should. If we were a year back in time I'd use up all the time, but this point in the school years is probably one of the most important years. So I think I'll stay home for just one more day and actually try learn something and then I'll come back on Thursday." she said.
"Okay. You know what, I'll come and visit you tomorrow, how's that sound? And I can teach you a couple things, and we can hang out and what not." I suggested with a broad smile on my face.
"Yeah, that sounds great." she said, returning the smile.
"Cool, I'll come straight after school."
"Wait but don't you want to wear something comfortable?"
"I'll pack some clothes in my bag in the morning then I'll change at your's." I said to her.
"Oh alright. Great, can't wait to see you." she smiled cutely which had me giggling. "let me go tell my parents real quick. Be back in a sec."
"K, I'll do that too."

And then we both went away from our phones to let out parents know about tomorrow. Turns out they both approved of it and neither of us could wait to see eachother.
Anyways y/n and I talked until about half past eleven when she reminded me of the time and I told her that I should go and get some sleep otherwise I'll be half dead tomorrow from lack of sleep so we hung up and both went to bed after.

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