~~25: Kang Daniel - Insecure~~

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⚠️TW: mention of body image⚠️

You were getting ready to leave for your date with Daniel and you tried on so many outfits and there was now a pile of discarded clothes on the bed that you took off because you didn't like the way they looked on you.

"Ugh I need to lose some weight, I look horrible. How does Daniel still love me when I look like this? Gosh.." you said to yourself.
This was the eighth outfit you were trying on and you still didn't like it.
"Hey babe, what's taking so l-" you heard Daniel's voice from the door as he was leaned against it, all dressed, looking handsome as ever, and then there was you who didn't like the way even a single outfit looked on you.
Your boyfriend's facial expression changed immediately to a desolate one as he realised what you were doing that was taking so long. He walked up to you and just hugged you. You buried your head into his chest and a tear escaped.
"How much did you see or hear?" you asked him.
"Not a lot but enough." he said, wiping the tear off your cheek using his thumb.
"Listen baby, your body is perfect, atleast in my eyes, and it always will be perfect. Your body image doesn't affect your kind heart and it will most definitely never affect my love for you. I'd still love you just the same if you were a lot bigger or a lot smaller. Body image doesn't matter to me y/n as long as your still all that I look for in a girlfriend." he said to you reassuringly. He went behind you and snaked his arms around your waist before saying "and you don't need to lose weight baby, you look amazing like, genuinly. This colour suits you. The top is so cute on you and the shorts are so your vibe. I love it, you look awesome. How do you manage to always look this good, you don't event have to try." he said, boosting your ego and making your smile grow. He mimicked your smile through the mirror and you looked up at him and kissed him.

"Don't ever think you look bad, baby, that's literally impossible when it comes to you. You always look good. Eeeeeverything is just perfect." he said, tracing your figure with his hands as it slightly tickled.

"I love you so much Daniel." you said, turning around and grabbing his chin to kiss him once more. You tried to pull away but he grabbed the back of your neck, not letting you. You lips danced together as things started to get heated.

"Let me show you just how perfect you are, my angel" he said in a husky voice which definitely turned you on.

Well, I guess you guys could say bye-bye to that date, but to be fair this was just as good, if not better.

a/n: this one is rlly short I j kinda thought of this so like ye, but hope u liked it :)

word count: 519

word count: 519

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