~~52: ATEEZ JongSang - No Shit Pt.2~~

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Once they arrived, Jongho knocked on the door and they waited a couple seconds before a shabby looking guy opened the door ever so slightly so you could barely see anything.
"Hello, we're FBI agents from Seoul Gangseo Police Station, were just here to ask a few questions about the kidnapping in the local café almost three weeks ago." Jongho said to the shady guy.
The guy proceeded to close the door while rapidly saying "sorry, don't know anything about it-" but got stopped by Yeosang as he put his foot there to stop the door from shutting.
"Sir, I'm afraid you're going to have to let us."
"Says who?"
"Says the law, sir." Yeosang replied to him, finding his behaviour rather rude.
"Fine." the man finally gave in.

"First we're gonna need your name." Jongho said.
"Uh, Choi Mark." he said almost as if he was unsure.

"Okay, first of all, were you there at the time of the event, if so did you witness it?" Jongho asked the first question.
"No, I was just walking past with my two mates."
"Okay, and do they live here with you?" Jongho asked again.
"Just a reminder sir, you're gonna have to be honest otherwise we'll have to take you into interrogation." Yeosang said to the man, as he could easily tell he was lying just by his tone and body language.
"Fine, fine, yes, they do." the guy admitted.

"And what are their names?" Jongho continued with the questions.
"Uuhhh, Joe and Ollie." he hesitantly replied.

Yeosang and Jongho were definitely right in their suspiciouns, there's no doubting that now.
"Can you call them here please?" Jongho demanded.
"I think they're both busy right now-"
"Sir if you don't call them here we can legally go into your house without your permission and speak to them ourselves." Yeosang warned him.
"Fine, fine!" the guy finally obliged. "Please wait one moment, I'll go get them." he said in a defeated tone.

So the two waited a minute or so, longer than expected for him to just go and get two people. The two already found it sketchy enough that he had to go and get them rather then just calling them over.

"Okay, I'm back." the guy said, returning with two other guys either side of him.

After talking to them, Jongho and Yeosang decided it was wise to inspect their house since their answers were mostly hesitant and strange. It took them a while to oblige but they got there eventually.
Jongho went upstairs first while Yeosang remained on the ground floor. He entered the kitchen first and looked around, his eyes circled round the place until they landed on a knife in the sink with a deep red substance on it, which he assumed couldn't be anything else but blood, however he decided to act like he didn't notice so that the three men wouldn't go off and try anything.

He looked back at one of them and they'd gulped in that moment. This was when Yeosang was 99% sure they were the kidnappers. They were making up fake names and lying to them.
He noticed that two of them were following him around while one of them went up along with Jongho. They both found this rather interesting, as if there's something they really don't want them to see.
"You can stay calm and do whatever you like while we inspect the house by the way, no need to follow." Yeosang told the two that were following him before speed-walking upstairs to find Jongho.

He ended up being in a bedroom to the right of the stairs and he saw the third guy standing just by the door.
"Agent, a word." Yeosang said to Jongho as he entered the room. Jongho gladly accepted then they both looked at the guy standing in the doorway and then he got the message and left, failing to simply close the door so Jongho had to do it for him (not forgetting to roll his eyes while doing so).

"Agent, I think I might have found something." Yeosang said almost in a whisper as both of them kept an eye on the door making sure it didn't even creek open.
"What is it?"
"I saw a knife covered in what I'm very sure was blood. It was a deep, thick, red substance, I figured it couldn't have been anything else. Then one of them gulped when I made eye contact." Yeosang explained.
"That's ironic, because I found a cloth covered in blood- or should I say a red substance so I asked him what it was from and he said hair dye but none of them have red hair. And I saw a certificate on the wall with the name Jang Hojun, that's none of their names." Jongho said.

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