Untitled Part 7

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"What are you doing. "Said Katrina.

"Making a cake for my mother's birthday do you wanna help. "Said Valentine.

"Sure I know how bake . "Said Katrina.

"What are you two doing. "Said Erik.

Valentine told him.

"Don't make a huge mess it's my turn to clean tonight ."Said Erik.

They heard the sound of someone's vomiting.

Harper wasn't feeling all that well, he didn't have a fever.

It was just a stomach bug.

Erik got him some meds.

The cake was good.

"I need a model for a project and who better to ask than you. "Said Katrina.

"I'm not good at that kind of thing ,I once helped my friend with her project but I'm not good at being a model ."Said Valentine.

"You're hot, have great cheek bones and you're tall. "Said Katrina.

"You're just saying that because we're dating ."Said Valentine.

"No I'm saying that because it's true. "Said Katrina.

The party went well.

Katrina was Valentine's guest there since he helped with the cake but also Valentine was to introduce his boyfriend to his family.

Valentine has only sisters and he's the youngest.

His sisters were so happy for him.

Katrina has only met Valentine's sisters before.

He has met Valentine's mom and dad before.

Someone asked where his girlfriend was.

"You said you were dating someone named Katrina."

"I'm Katrina, my parents didn't want to come up with a different name. "Said Katrina.

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