Untitled Part 51.

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The day of the wedding.

One of Joel's cousins was doing his hair for him.

His hair is medium length and black.

Another one went to do his makeup-eyeliner and blush.

His suit is now- A black suit with a orange tie.

The suit is in a gothic style.

His wedding party guess are in orange formal outfit.


There's a lot of loud noises.

Haru comes from a loud Japanese American family.

He has three older sisters and a younger brother.

He also has two dads, he never gotten bullied for it since he played sports and hang around well liked people like Valentine, it was most so the parents of those people who bullied him for it.

The amount of times he's been asked about the fact that he doesn't have a mom by a grown adult like a teacher or a classmate's parent is far too much that he comfortable with.

(I wasn't planning on him having two dads but I decide to add it.)

The situation is like this he's not adopted- surrogacy was used.(Surrogacy should be seen as normal in the world.)

His three older sisters are triplets.

Two years after they were born, he was born and two years later his brother was.

The lady who agreed to help his parents was a friend of theirs never wanted to be a parent also they paid her a decent amount of money even those she would of done it for free.

Catherina Sato has been friends with his parents for a while now.

She's basically like a aunt to Haru and his siblings.

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