Untitled Part 69...

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The house is big enough for six or more people-there are two extra room.

All of Kasey stuff was placed in Hayden's room.

Kasey has his clothes in his dresser and some in the closest.

Kasey was given a list of chore each person does and his name was added.

A extra income was good.

Hayden couldn't help, he could but no one let him.

His stomach was showing a tiny bit.

His doctor said that everything was good so he and Kasey are relieved.

Hayden was laying down relaxing because his back was hurting.

Hayden got a text from Kasey's mother asking him if he was okay.

He responded back that he was.

Kasey's parents and Hayden's parents were both checking on Hayden.

Also the news that Hayden was expecting was told two of his three niblings and they did have questions.

They were told that some people can have babies even if they are a dude.

A week later Hayden was babysitting but he did have some help.

"Our brothers left a list. "Said Katrina.

This was the first time those two were both babysitting.

"Oji . "Said Evaline.

Oji means uncle in Japanese- the kids have been learning a little bit of it.

The only one of Katrina's brothers who doesn't want to be called Oji is Ruki, the only one with a Japanese first name.

He's just uncle Ruki.


"Yes sweetie. "Said Katrina.

"Why is your hair blue. "Said Evaline.

"I like the color blue. "Said Katrina.

"I wanna dyed my hair orange. "Said Evaline.

"Well maybe when your older your papa and dad wouldn't want you to dye your hair now. "Said Katrina.

Katrina got a text from Ruki saying since he's babysitting can he watch his kid for him and his wife.

He said sure.

"Ruki is coming over to drop off Rin. "Said Katrina.

Rin is Ruki's child, for the longest time Rin was the only grandchild of Katrina's parents but then the twins and Kailey showed up so now they have four grandchildren.

Rin is eight while the twins are six and Kailey is two.

"Oh okay. "Said Hayden.

Rin's older so they don't have to worry as much as they do with Kailey who's younger.

Rin is Japanese and African American.

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