Untitled Part 61

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A week later.

The new school year was almost here.

Fang transferred to the school his friends work at.

At work he's Mr. Tanaka.

One of the other teacher saw that he and Wren had the same last name and assume they were married because Fang is darker than Wren also Fang has textured hair.

Fang didn't know if he mention that he's married to a guy but then saw a art professor with a lesbian flag painted on the back of her jacket.

This college is a mix of old school can't get with the times and progressive people.

"No he's married to my brother. "Said Wren.

"Another one. "Said Mr. Fields

Fang kept his head held high and said "You must be Mr. Fields or Bill I heard so much about you."

Someone asked what subject he teachers.

"Art History. "Said Fang.

Fang when he was on bedrest was taken online classes to get a degree so he could teacher in a college properly, he did two years of that he just finished a few months ago.

Fang is now a art professor.

He doesn't have to dress in button up shirts like Wren, Joel and Valentine have to.

Valentine and Joel get a tiny bit more freedom but Wren is the only openly gay history professor and the only trans while the rest of the professors all dress in boring outfits.

Wren owned plain button downs and flannels also playing baseball for years helped Wren to blend in with straight cis people while being themselves.

During a lunchbreak.

"So how's the wedding planning going." Said Fang.

"Good in three months the wedding will finally be here. "Said Valentine.


Katrina was at his sewing station making something.

He was making a look inspired by Visual Kei and formal wear.

His job is just sewing and making stuff but he gets to make what he wants because this job wants people to be creative and he's given more freedom to make the looks he wants.


Fang needed someone to hang up stuff in his classroom.

He's tall enough to hang up some stuff but there's some stuff he can't so that's where Axel comes in since he can use his tools to hang up stuff.

A bunch of students(adult aged) saw him and thought "Who's the handsome guy helping out professor Tanaka class."

They asked who he was.

(Originally Axel was going to use his husband's last name but Fang talked him out of it saying "Yes that name is connected to your dad but us using it would anger him . ")

"This is the other Mr. Tanaka or Mr. Axel. "Said Fang.

They knew their professor was pan because he had a pin on this bag he carries his papers in.

He has a bunch of pins-Pansexual/Panromantic, demisexual, trans, Chinese flag, African American flag, he/him pronoun pin, mushroom and a bunch of other stuff."

Also he wears a wedding ring and he mentioned being married so they knew he was married.

Also he has a photo from their wedding on his desk.

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