Untitled Part 10

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Christmas rolled around.

Everyone went to visit their families.

Harper was going home to visit his family and ran into his ex boyfriend.

Kade who was getting Christmas decorations.

They hooked up one last time and well it ended with them regretting it.

"I got a abortion. "Said Harper.

"How do you feel ."Said Kade.

"Okay, I wasn't ready to be a dad at all. "Said Harper.

Harper is intersex but takes birth control pills that basically stop periods until he stops taking them.

"I wasn't ready either I'm already raising my younger siblings because my dad left to go find himself. "Said Kade.

Kade's mom died a while ago while his dad left to go to South America to find himself.

Three kids of different ages were with him looking for gifts.

"Well I hope you find someone who makes you happy I know I'm not that person. "Said Kade.

"Same to you. "Said Harper.

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