Untitled Part 62...

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On a nice Oct day(the wedding month changed sorry.)

Everyone was getting for the wedding.

At the hotel everyone was staying.

(The Hotel had a wedding packet for couples getting married.)

"Katrina now close your eyes while I put this on. "Said Keola.

She agreed to help out also she's Simona's girlfriend and agreed to help out with makeup.

It's one of her special talents.

Katrina got dress and then got his hair done.

He has long blue dyed hair, he used this hair dye that won't ruin your hair and doesn't require any bleach.

His hair was up in a bun with some hair sticks-red and gold with little beads on it.

His kimono was on-it was red and gold to match Valentine's Cheongsam.

 His nails were painted black since the last time he got them done.

Everyone else had blue and gold jeweled tone outfits on.


Valentine was sitting down as someone did his hair.

He asked his sister Tahlia if she knew anyone who could his hair and anyone who could do makeup. 

She did and both people were invited to the wedding to help and also be guest.

Next was his makeup.

He's only ever wore eyeshadow on Halloween or when he went to comic con with Haru once.

He's never wore lipstick before let allowed 

When both grooms met up with their parents.

First wedding parties walked in.

So Haru and Joel were walking into.

Simona was walking in with Wren.

Kasey was walking in with Hayden.

Hayden had pain pills with him since it's that time of the month and was willing to share some with Simona incase her period starts.

Then the grooms came in with their parents.

Anyway then the flower people and ring bearers.

A bunch of stuff was said and then justice of the peace said "The grooms have decided to say their own vows."

"When I was younger I thought no one would want to be with me because I wasn't special just a tall punk nerd but then I met you well meet you again but thought a guy like that wouldn't like me but I was proven wrong, you make me happy, you make feel like I'm deserving of romantic love you're kind and funny. "Said Katrina.

"I love being with you, you're one of the most unique people I have ever met, I love you and everything about you my life has been great because you're in it, you're the love of my life and I love the fact that you love me and everyday is a beautiful dream, I hope our life continue to be filled with happiness and love . "Said Valentine.

 When they finally kissed.

Later on they got dressed in their wedding outfits.

Valentine's outfit looked kind of vintage like something out of story book only with black sneakers.

He had makeup on, even putting on a nude lipstick, he's never wore lipstick before but he wanted to branch out.

Katrina was getting his makeup done and then got dress- first was the blue button up shirt, next was the black pants, then the necktie, then the detachable blue long skirt then the suit jacket, the lace fingerless gloves, his socks and last his boots.

His hair was done and then his wide brim hair.

His hair was curled.

During the speeches. each speech said how something about each groom and also mentioned all the good stuff about them.

(the memory thing is to show a funny story.)

"As you know Katrina is my best friend, when we were younger I said' I hope we find boyfriends who don't think we're losers' he said 'I doubt it' but look at us now I'm glad that my best friend found someone who loves him and I'm glad I can call Valentine my friend, I'm glad you two found each other, I'm happy to for you both one of my favorite stories was when we and our friend Simona went to comic and for once we weren't losers but now we're pretty cool I stand here on the day he marries the love of his life and I wish then nothing but happy days forever and always. "Said Joel.

"As you both know Valentine is my best friend, when I first met him we were very little, growing up we both were seen as popular but him more than me given how different our styles he the kind of person who got along with everyone even people he didn't agree with because they saw what we all saw a kind hearted person who cared about others he never treats anyone like they weren't worthy of kindness even people he didn't agree with politically, he did dislike people but it was people he didn't know who had power I can only think of a few times he hated someone we knew personally and now I stand here as his best man on the day he marries the love of his life, and I'm lucky to have both of these two people in my life as my friends. "Said Haru.

Their other wedding party got give speeches.

"I have known both Valentine and Katrina since our last year of college which isn't that long but I feel like I have known them my whole life, I'm happy that two awesome people have each other in their lives and I wish them life long happiness, I work at the same college as Valentine and he is very great professor as well as a great friend and as for Katrina he's one of the most creative people I have ever met when it comes to his fashion, I'm glad to call them my friends. "Said Wren.

"I have known Valentine my whole life, he's one of the coolest guys I have ever known and I'm glad my friend has found someone who made him happy, he use to talk about how he assumed Katrina wouldn't want to date a guy like him it was something he said for a long time but he was proven wrong and I'm glad to be able to call both of them my friends. "Said Kasey.

"I have known Katrina and Valentine since our sophomore year of college, me and best friend Erik were dormmates with them when we came up with the idea to get a place together, they are two of the most interesting people I have ever known, Katrina is larger then life with his looks and big personality while Valentine is one of the kindest people ever and I'm glad they are together and I'm glad to call you two my friends. "Said Hayden.

"As you guys known Katrina is one of my best friends, I have been friends with him and Joel my whole life, people use to ask me why I hang out with Katrina when I could of hang out with other people, people deemed more cooler and my respond was always why would I want to hang out with them when I have one of the most interesting, creative and awesome people ever as my best friend, we bonded over fashion we weren't popular there's a photo out there of us dressed in our instrumental and choir outfits looking like a band we thought we were super cool other didn't but I like think we were cool in our own right and as for Valentine I'm glad to call you my friend you're a kind soul and you make my best friend happy. "Said Simona.

Simona's speech was the longest.

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