Untitled Part 35.

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just some clearing up and heads up.

Their friends groups have hang out before Valentine and Katrina got together btw.

Valentine doesn't have a best friend but if he did it's a tie between Katrina or Haru.

Katrina doesn't have a best friend but if he did it would other be Valentine or Simona.

Wren is the older twin of him and Axel.

I will be mentioning other characters' families- if you don't like that don't read it.

Jan is Jewish but not a practicing one, his maternal grandmother is Jewish while the rest of his family is Baptist but his mother's mother side is Jewish so he was raised on the Holidays and has the important birthday.

Erik is Hindi and doesn't eat beef but he does like tacos and gets chicken tacos.

The reason why none of them are Buddha is because I haven't written a Buddha character yet and I want my first Buddha character to be in a different book same for Muslim characters but background ones will be mention maybe. 

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