Untitled Part 56

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Everything went well.

On the way home.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm. "Said Valentine.

"Well I would be a worm too so yeah. "Said Katrina.

"We both would be worms. "Said Valentine.

"Yeah ."Said Katrina.

Then Valentine said "I need a nap that was stressful."

"Same here. "Said Katrina.

When they arrived home the first thing they did was get ready for bed but didn't go to sleep just yet.

Valentine was brush his hair and thinking about how he couldn't wait to marry Katrina.

He also remembered that his students knew about his engagement and kept asking him a bunch of questions to distract him from teaching, he remembers some of his former classmates use to do that to any teacher they had it always bothered him but now he's the teacher being asked this these questions only he knows how to not get distracted.

When it didn't work his students stopped asking about it.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard Katrina calling him to come to bed.

He turned off the lights and went to get ready for bed.

Katrina had a very sad/scary dream of him waking up alone in bed then he sees Valentine and goes to hug him just to be pushed off followed by him saying "I don't want a freak like you hugging what if my girlfriend sees it." "Girlfriend ?. " "Yeah I have one." "I thought we were together also you're not straight." "I am straight and even if I wasn't I would never date you." then in his dream he got kicked out of the house and told that no one wants him here so in his dream he goes to find his Joel, only he's single and doesn't want to talk to him he calls him a loser so he goes to find Simona who tell him "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone." "But I'm your best friend." "Why would I be best friends with a loser like you." so he goes to find his parents but then the phone says "The number you are trying t reach no longer exist." so he goes to his parents house and they aren't there, he tried calling his siblings but gets the same call.

He tries calling his other friends but all he gets is a how did you get my number.

He's freaking out because everyone hates him and Valentine is now straight and has a girlfriend so he's stuck sleeping in his car but then he sees Valentine again and he has a what looks like a metal bat and rips the door open beats his car with a bat while saying "No one loves you."

That's when Katrina wakes up in tears.

Valentine wakes up to the sound of Katrina sobbing.

"Babe what's wrong ? "Said Valentine turning his head to face Katrina, he was now he now had his arms around him holding him in his arms.

"I had a bad dream that everyone hated me, my best friends didn't like me also in my dream you were straight, had a girlfriend and attacked my car with a bat while saying no one loves me. "Said Katrina.

"One I would never do that I love you so much, two I would never be straight ever and three your friends don't hate you I think your subconscious is playing tricks on you to scare you. "Said Valentine.

"I'm not use to having a bunch of friends and a boyfriend who actually wants to be seen with me. "Said Katrina.

"I would scream to the heavens that the hottest guy ever is my boyfriend. "Said Valentine.

"I'm not that hot. "Said Katrina.

"You are that hot. "Said Valentine.

Katrina ended up not feeling well so he didn't go into work.

Valentine had the day off so he took care of him.

Katrina really want to sew something to submit to his job but he was told to go back to bed so he can feel better.

He looked pale and tired but didn't want to go back to sleep in case he has another nightmare.

Valentine didn't like how Katrina would have nightmares that make him question everything.

"I'm going to make you some tea ."Said Valentine.

He made him some tea.

"One day during sophomore year I met one of the best people ever and in a few months I'll be marrying this person I love him so much and right now I want him to feel better so please get some rest. "Said Valentine.

Katrina finally got some rest and he didn't have anymore nightmares at all instead he had a dream about a flying dog who make eats pancakes.

He had to remember that flying dog story the next time he's babysitting his niblings.

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