Untitled Part 25.

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A lot has been doing here.(this chapter might be seen as mature for some people.)

There was a pregnancy test in the trash and the box was left on the floor.

The only people here who can get pregnant are Simona, Tasha, Hayden, Fang and Daphna.

Fang can still get pregnant he's only been on hrt for four years now had to stop once do to him running out also he's not on birth control he can't be on hrt while also in birth control until he's a lot older.(I was debating having him be intersex, I feel like intersex people deserve to have rep in stories.)

Fang is demisexual but he and Axel have formed a bond so the test could be his.

Hayden is intersex and can get someone pregnant/can get pregnant.

The other three are cis women who can get pregnant.

Tasha is a lesbian but could still get pregnant if the person she's with had the ability to so but she's also demisexual.

Hayden has had a abortion before and he's has a IUD and well he and Kasey haven't go that far in their relationship.

Fang and Axel on the other hand have.

So they wondered who's positive pregnancy test belonged too.

"It's mine and once I get a formal test done I'm keeping it. "Said Fang.

 Everyone was shocked.

Axel left the room.

"I'll go talk to him. "Said Wren.

"I'll join you. "Said Erik.

"What was that all about . "Said Wren.

"I don't have time for this. "Said Axel.

"So you're going to abandon him, sounds like something our dad would do. "Said Wren.

"Don't go there's dad's a jerk I'm just scared that I won't be a good dad I want to be there but what if I suck at it. "Said Axel.

"It's okay to be scared but let Fang know that. "Said Erik.

(btw Fang never legally changed his name, his legal name is Fang Jules Wen)

Which Axel did.

Fang was also scared but they talked about it and everything was good.

They got food later.

Kasey and Hayden confirmed that they are dating.

"Thank goodness. "Said Katrina.

"You have no room to talk. "Said Erik.

Wren and Erik went to talk about their future.

They want to live together but Erik didn't want to move out of the place that's been his home for three years.

So the couple ended up talking Erik's roommates into moving into a bigger place.

The house was getting kind of small and Katrina had to keep some of his sewing stuff at his parents' house.

When everyone went home.

There was a lot of final projects and looking up places to live.

Since Wren was moving out of his and Tasha's place she needed a roommate.

"I could be your roommate if you need one. "Said Haru.

"Same here. "Said Joel.

The house was big enough for four people, or three couples.

Tasha and Wren got this place from a retirement aged couple who wanted to sell their house.

The house was updated when they got it and it didn't cost a lot.

They won a bidding war and got the house.

"Okay sure. "Said Tasha.

 There was a lot of finally project finally being done.

Katrina was busy sewing his last project for school.

It was a dress that also was a suit.

His teachers loved his project.

Katrina passed and was so happy.

Also he got into his internship.

All of them passed and were happy about it.


Hayden's birthday was a week before graduation so that was fun.

 One of the friends was giving a speech and that was awesome.

Over the summer the roommates and Wren found a place and moved their stuff in it, there was a lot of saving money and putting money together to afford it.

Basically the roommates loved living together and they get along well.

The house was a six bedroom and they could afford it because the sale of the house went well.

They staged it well- Valentine watched a lot of those home and gardening shows back in high school and he's good at using tools-they all are. 

They each got to decorate a room in the new house.

Wren and Erik blended their styles together.

There was also some stuff from the old place that they left for the new owners- like the stove, a fold out table and a old desk.

Wren and Erik love living together and get along well.

Valentine and Katrina finally share a room, they did share a room when they started dating but Katrina keep his room for when he got sick or needed a place to work.

There's a bonus room they didn't know about that Katrina got to use as his work room.

They won a bidding war to get this house.

There's space in the basement for Erik to work on graphic design.

Since Wren and Valentine both plan on being professors so those two just need a table to graded papers.

Hayden's a nursing major so he didn't need a place to work.

Also if Kasey or whoever Hayden ends up with wants to move in they are welcome to do so just ask first.

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