Untitled Part 52...

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The only people in the fact group who are married are Fang and Axel.

The rest of them only experience with weddings are from older family members and siblings.

Erik told them about the planning his sister and her fiancé have been doing for their wedding.

This wedding planning has been going on for three years to make sure it's perfect and the place the wedding will be taking place only had a free space three years since the engagement.

Her fiancé is Indian.

She's the only one with a Indian partner.

Erik is with Wren who's Filipinx and Japanese 

Meanwhile his younger siblings both have boyfriends.


The wedding started.

The two males say their vows and then they kiss.

Haru took Joel's last name.

There were the best man speech.

"I'm so happy for my friends, as you guys know I have been best friends with Haru my whole life, he a great friend and I'm happy he found someone just as awesome as he is, I don't have a favorite story because there's so many to name because everyday with him was a adventure and now Joel when I first met you you said I was a giant and thought I was cool because of you and Haru me and my boyfriend finally got together to many years of happiness to my best friend and the love of his life." Said Valentine.

"Hello as many of you know Joel is my best friend, I remember when we were younger and he said 'I hope one day we get boyfriends and they don't think we're losers' and at the time I didn't think it would happen but I was proven wrong who would of thought two punk loser anime fan guys would end up with the guys we ended up with but we learned to never question it, one of my favorite stories was when we went to comic con and won first place at a costume contest and we thought we would be popular because it we weren't but we still have a lot of fun, we might not of been seen as cool then but if I had to go thought my loser punk years with anyone I'm glad it was with my two best friends, I'm happy that Joel has found the best guy ever I'm happy for my best friend and as for Haru I'm glad to call you my friend." Said Katrina.

Then he said "When I first met you I knew you wanted to say 'My friend thinks your hot and funny enough if Joel told me he was into you I would of said the same thing.'

Katrina's speech was long but he was so happy for his friend.

Everyone had fun at that wedding.

Joel found out later that his cousin hook up with Jan so he had to deal with learning about that.

Also Joel and Haru found out during their honeymoon that Katrina asked Valentine to marry him.


"What's the surprise can I open my eyes now." Said Valentine.

"Yes you may open them. "Said Katrina.

Valentine opened his eyes and was shocked.

"I never thought I would end up with someone like you because I thought a guy meaning a jock like you would never be with a guy like me but I learned I was wrong I love you so much Valentine Minghao Wang will you marry me. "Said Katrina

"Yes. "Said Valentine.

Katrina had save since he got his job-he got his job last year also it help to look up places that sell inexpensive yet not cheap rings.


Haru and Joel just got out the bed in their hotel room after making love when they each got a text that said "I'm getting married will you be my best man."

Which course they said yes.

End of flashback.

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