Untitled Part 63

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There were a lot of photos taken.

Valentine is the only son of his parents but growing up he wasn't treated better than his sisters, he had chores, he learned how to cook etc.

Valentine is good at cooking and baking but don't ask him to grill anything.

There were photos taken of the couple in their more traditional attire but also photos of them in their reception outfits.

There was a lot of money saving involved in this-a lot of the decorations were stuff they owned.

Asking people to recommend people to help also saved a lot of time and money.

While on the honeymoon.

Katrina and Valentine went to beachy area in another state for it that was a lot warmer.

Katrina was going back to his hotel room after getting some snacks.

He needed some time to relax, he's been working on a bunch of looks because he's been asked to present his designs in one of the local fashion shows.

As for Valentine, this new school year was kicking his bottom, someone already made a comment about his last name and he has student who's so homophobic but their family is rich it's one of the first time he really disliked one of his students but he treats students fairly even the rude ones.

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