Untitled Part 65..

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Erik handed Camila a gift.

It was from this one Indian store that was in another part of their state.

This store use to only sell clothes but they now also sell other stuff.

It was a book from one of her favorite Indian authors, the one she's been looking everywhere for.

"Thank you. "Said Camila.

"I know how much you like this author. "Said Erik.

She hugged him.

It was wedding gift for her.


Wren was back in the hotel room on his phone.

He was talking Axel about something.

"So when you guys get back you're proposing to him ."Said Axel.

"Yes. "Said Wren.

Wren has been saving up money to do so and kept the ring at his brother's house.

The only people who know about the propose are Axel, Fang and Hayden but also their other friends.

Wren really loves Erik a lot and those two both agreed that they didn't want to wait years to get married.

When the day of the wedding arrive.

There was a lot of noise.

Camila was getting her hair and makeup done.

She had on this traditional Indian wedding outfit, in the color red while her bridesmaids are in peach and blue.

The Singh family is Hindu while her fiancé's family is Hindu and Sikh.

 He even has a turban on,

The groom's name is Allan Gupta.

No elephants those.

It was a beautiful wedding.

Everyone had fun.

It was one of the first time Wren has seen Erik in a traditional Indian outfit.

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