Untitled Part 22.

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Spring rolls around.

it's Baseball season and Valentine's last year on the team.

Wren also plays baseball, he started going to this school earlier this year.

Wren's mother showed up to one of their games.

Wren was use to his dad not being there, they have no desire for his dad to be there.

Wren comes from a big family- second youngest in a family of mainly brothers.

Basically Mr. Tanaka is the type who believes men like women and women like men.

Wren is lucky to have siblings who support them.

Wren also is a twin, his brother goes to a trade school.


Erik was going to the game to cheer on his friend and his partner.

Hayden and Katrina were with him.

Katrina had on this very pretty choker necklace that Val got him for Valentine's day.

Meanwhile Erik got Wren a hoodie because it's what they wanted since Wren's  favorite one got ruined do to some paint meanwhile Erik got a sketch pad and some scented markers.

Everyone o f the roommates has someone but Hayden, he been trying to give Kasey a bunch of hints that he wants to date him but Kasey isn't taking these hints.

'Hey do you mind if I sit here. "Said Axel.

"Not at all, wait you're Wren's brother Axe correct ? "Said Hayden.

"Yeah you must be one of their friends. "Said Axel.

Axel looks like Wren only he has glasses and he's darker hair but they are twins.

He's bisexual, sexuality isn't genetic btw.

"I'm Hayden. "Said Hayden.

"Well Hayden you very nice. "Said Axel.

"Thank you . "Said Hayden.

Axel was being charming and Hayden was enjoying his company.

Axel wasn't flirting with him just being his normal charming and nice self.

Hayden isn't some stereotypical feminine guy who acts like a stereotypical gay man you see on a tv show made to make fun of gay people.

 Well Kasey was in the stands and saw those two talking.

He saw Axel being charming and Hayden laughing at all of Axel's jokes.

Kasey was jealous of the fact that he can't be as charming as this guy.

He ended up texting Hayden.


But Hayden ignored him.

He really like Hayden but he doesn't know how to ask him out because he's terrible with this kind of stuff but judging from how Hayden is acting towards Axel, his window of opportunity is closing right before his eyes.

He texted him again.

"Hey we should talk later after the game."

Hayden saw him

Hayden finally texted him back

"You only want to talk because you saw me and Axel."

"Not true."

So they do end up talking.

"I have been giving you hints and you haven't gotten any of them, you told me liked me, we let life take us where it wanted but that only lead to me wanting something and you not a hint I kind of figured your feelings towards me were over. "Said Hayden.

Kasey isn't aro btw.

"Well I'm nervous, I really like you but the last time I tried to ask someone out I got rejected in the worst way possible ."Said Kasey.

"I know you told me about the rejection on the night we kissed also I tried asking you out but you didn't respond, I responded to you wanting to hang out but I got nothing from you. "Said Hayden.

"I know. "Said Kasey.

"I want to go on a date with you but do you still want to go on one with me. "Said Hayden.

"Yeah. "Said Kasey.

So they talked.

Meanwhile Axel ended up chatting with Fang and well they ended up hanging out later.

Axel really like Fang after getting to know him.

"Are you okay with dating a transman ."Said Fang.

"Why would you think I would have a issue with that I think you're one of the most incredible men I have ever known have the privilege of being around. "Said Axel.

Fang was relieved.

"Also Wren is trans and I was of the first people they told. "Said Axel.

"Are you okay with being with someone who's demisexual. "Said Fang.

"Yeah, I like you a lot. "Said Axel.

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