Untitled Part 68

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later that night.

Wren and Erik were putting their save the date cards in envelopes.

  Erik made the cards digitally.

While this was going Valentine was cooking dinner.

Hayden was still at work.

Katrina was in the basement making stuff for the local fashion show.

His hair was up in a bun and he had comfortable clothes on and slippers.

His name is called to come upstairs.

"Dinner smells wonderful babe. "Said Katrina.

"Thank you. "Said Valentine.


Hayden is at work, he has some food he got earlier and he's eating it before he deals with a patient.

He feels kind of like he needs to throw up.

Which he does.

Maybe he should go home.

Well instead he buys a pregnancy test and takes it while in the bathroom.


"How will I tell Kasey."

He tells one of the nurses there what his test says.

She thinks it's cancer until he mentions.

"I'm intersex."

"Oh wait so you're pregnant."

"Yes. "Said Hayden.

So she does a ultrasound on him.

He is in fact pregnant.


Kasey was about to eat dinner when Hayden's calls him.

"Hey babe. "Said Kasey.

"I have something to tell you but don't get mad."

"What is it ? "

"I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant ?" 


"What is your plan."

"I don't know that why I was asking you."

"It's your body. "Said Kasey.

"But you deserve a say in this."

"Like I said it's your body your choice, just because we're both guys doesn't change this in the slightest. "

"I want to keep it but I'm so busy with work and we don't even live together. "Said Hayden.

"I know but you have me and I can work from home . "Said Kasey.

"So we're doing this ."Said Hayden.

"Yeah. "Said Kasey.

"Well we should practice living together ."Said Hayden.

"We should. "Said Kasey.

Which they did.

Sleeping in the same bed was great- they have slept in the same bed it's how Hayden got pregnant but this was different.

Hayden felt so tired.

Hayden's family found out and his parents called to check on him.

So did all of his brothers.

Right now Hayden was laying down in Kasey's bed.

He had the tv on, a heating pad and a pillow on his side for when he goes to  sleep.

Kasey was working on a work project.

He had to make something for a ad for work.

The ad is a cereal brand that not connected to the other brands.

He was making one involving some new characters.

Kasey went to check on him.


Someone complained how so many of the new professors are all friends with each other.

"Sorry but carpooling sounds great. "Said Jan.

Jude walked into the teacher's lounge.

"I need some help making with the college book fair signs. Mr. Tanka can you help me with that. "Said Jude 

"Sure thing Mr. Yoon. "Said Fang.

"I also I need people to help out with it. "Said Jude.

So a lot of the English and Literature teachers were helping out with it.

"These signs look awesome. "Said Jude

"Thanks. "Said Fang.

Jude and another librarian were helping out with it.

Mrs. Sherlyn Logan was the other librarian.

The book fair went well.


Hayden was sleeping.

Kasey went to check on him.

Tomorrow Hayden has a doctor appointment.

Hayden woke up and was hungry.

Kasey made him something because he cares about him.

They went to make a list of all the stuff they need.

"I want to live with you but not here. "Said Hayden.

Kasey knew he was welcome in that house.

Jan found out about this but he and Jude ended up being roommates before Kasey moves out.

Jude's old roommate was a mess, he kept his room a mess, he always fought with his girlfriend etc.

Also his roommate kept saying "if you get a girlfriend you'll be like this."

Jude is gay so no girlfriend for him.

His respond was always "I'm not attracted to women."

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