Untitled Part 78

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Two weeks past.

Someone asked Hayden and Kasey what religion they were raising their son as.

Baptist but if he ever wants to change faiths or is a atheist then they will support that.

Knox just started walking and already playing favorites.

"I spend nine months carrying him and he does this. "Said Hayden pretending to be upset.

Knox thought he was serious so he has his arms up like he wanted him to hold him which he did.

Knox is also starting to eat solid food.

He likes carrots but hate peas.

He also tried some food that was basically a Chinese/Hong Kong version of baby food.


Kasey was working on a project for work.

Unbeknownst to him, Hayden was thinking of ways to ask him to marry him.

Kasey's project was coming up with a design for the cereal company he's been working at.


Erik was in the living room with him also working on a project for work, his is ad for a small clothing brand.

While this is going on Valentine and Wren are grading papers and Katrina is downstairs sewing a project.

"I feel like a lot of my students are impressive. "Said Wren.

"Same here, I guess we're good professors. "Said Valentine.

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