Untitled Part 15.

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Meanwhile Harper was with his family.

Harper has a lot of older brothers.

He's the youngest.

In his parents' house is a Hong Kong flag since his family is Hong Kong Chinese.

His mom's side is from Hong Kong and his dad side is Chinese/Hong Kong.

Harper's parents look like your typically Asian parents.

His parents are kind and open minded which shocks a lot of other Asian parents who aren't open minded.

They know about his abortion and didn't judge him for it.

One of his cousins who's trans got one and no one cared unless they were closeminded.

Harper went to his old room to get something out of his suitcase.

One of his brothers reminded him that they were making cookies and other sweets.

Tang Yuan was one of the things they were making.

Also making Mooncakes.

Here's the run down of his siblings.

Nino-oldest, English professor, loves painting, a bookworm, married, straight, has no kids.

Dean-likes to built stuff, can draw, married, straight, works in a office, has no kids.

Nicolette-Creative, loves to bake, enjoys watching sports, gay, works in a bakery, divorced, single parent.

Ellis-nurse, pan, married, allergic to pears, has no kids, likes sports.

Basically Nicolette got cheated on by his ex husband and has full custody of his two kids because his ex husband signed his rights away so he wouldn't have to pay him child support.

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