Untitled Part 45

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A month later.

Katrina is happy at his new job.

"I need someone to model this outfit for me. "Said Katrina.

"Why me those. "Said Joel.

"You're my best friend also you're the only one who can fit this. "Said Katrina.

He can fit it since he's short.

It was dress that Katrina made that also is a suit.

His job has it own store that sells designs that the people who work at the company make.

He won't be selling his designs in there since he's new.

While he was working on something at home he thought about the reunion and how his former classmates thought it was weird how someone like Valentine was with him guess something don't change at all.

He started thinking about a party he went to that kind of changed his life.


"You three go clean up that mess. "Said Mr. Wells.

They didn't make this mess but he wanted someone to clean it.

"There's a end of the year party and we're going to that party ."Said Joel

"No thanks. "Said Simona.

"Dude we don't go to parties our Friday nights are spend at each others' houses watches anime and eating salty snacks. "Said Katrina.

"But we have to go. "Said Joel.

"Why. "Said Simona.

"To show people we're not losers." Said Joel.

"But everyone says we're losers. "Said Simona.

"No everyone says me and Joel are losers everyone else say that you're too pretty to be friends with us. "Said Katrina.

"Come please. "Said Joel.

"Fine but if anything bad happens I'm throwing your cello and trumpet down the stairs and hitting it with your tennis racket . "Said Katrina.

Joel use to be a trumpet player when he was younger but switch to the cello but still plays the trumpet in the school ban. 

"Nothing bad will happen also even if you tried to do that my mom would yell at you and you'll have to pay for them to be fixed. "Said Joel.

"You know what I meant. "Said Katrina.

So they went to the party.

"So this is what a cool person party looks like. "Said Katrina.

"I guess so. "Said Joel.

"Wow. "Said Simona.


"Why do I have to go ."Said Valentine.

"Because this is our last party before college ."Said Haru.

Haru is Valentine's best friend.

He stand n the middle of a line between alternative and jock.

He's a soccer player who wears chokers and leather jackets who thinks taxes should be spend on important stuff like housing or public services.

Valentine is kind of popular, the people who normally would hate him for being gay overlook it because of his great personality and basketball/baseball skills.

They arrive at the party.

Valentine is bored until he sees what he thinks a interesting guy who also one of the cutest guys he's ever met standing in a corner.

He has to go talk to him.

Katrina sees some jock looking guy who he thinks is the cutest guy ever coming towards him and doesn't know what to at this moment and time.

"I couldn't help but notice that you're very handsome. "Said Valentine.

"Who paid you to say that. "Said Katrina.

Valentine chuckled.

"Wait you're serious. "Said Valentine.

"So no one paid you to say that. "Said Katrina.

"No I actually think this. "Said Valentine.

Then he says "I'm Val Wang ."

"Kat Makamota. "Said Katrina.

"So what brings you to this party. "Said Valentine.

"My friend talked me and my friend Simona into going so that people won't think we're losers. "Said Katrina.

"I got talked into going by my friend Haru because it's our last party of before college. "Said Valentine.

They talked for what felt like a hour.

"I go to Greenford high school. "Said Valentine.

"Cool I go to Wilson high . "Said Katrina.

 "What college are you going to that is if you're going to college. "Said Valentine.

He said the name of the college.

"I'm also going there, I'm going to become a English professor. "Said Valentine.

"Cool I want to work in fashion. "Said Katrina.

"I can tell by your awesome outfit ."Said Valentine.

They both were sober that whole night and Katrina felt a connection.

"Would it be weird if I asked if I could kiss you. "Said Valentine.

"No it wouldn't. "Said Katrina.

"Well can I ."Said Valentine.

"Oh you were asking if you can, sorry I'm not use to this a guy like you asking someone like me to kiss you it's never happens. "Said Katrina.

So they kissed.

That was the last time Katrina saw him.

End of flashback.

Katrina ran up upstairs.

"What's wrong. "Said Valentine.

"I realized two things one my dreams are important and two you kissed me at party before we met in college. "Said Katrina.

"Okay and oh. "Said Valentine.

"I just remembered that when I was sewing and looking at old photos in my phone. "Said Katrina.

"Katrina are you done ."Said Joel walking up the stairs.

"Sorry. "Said Katrina.

So they went back down stairs.

Joel got a text from Simona saying that her date went well.

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