Untitled Part 33...)

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Majors everyone had.(this also helps me remember stuff.)

Valentine-English major studying to be professor.

Katrina- Fashion major.

Erik-Graphic art design major.


Wren-History major studying to be a professor.

Simona-Fashion and cosmetology major.

Tasha-Science major.

Axel- he went to a trade school, studying flooring but if he went to college he would of studied fine arts  because he loves drawing but he's a do it yourself kind of guy.

Joel- English major, he and Valentine both studied to be professors and work at the same college, Wren also works there because it was the closest college there so does Jan.

Haru-Graphic design major, he and Erik both work in the same field.

Kasey-Digital art major who during his freshman year was also taking some classes in science.

Daphna-Science major.

Jan-Music history major, he also plans to work at a college the same one that most of his friends who are teachers also work at.

Fang-Art history major but he did takes some classes in marketing only so he had something to fall back on, he didn't want to but it was good to have a back up plan, he work at a community college.

Most of them work at the same college because working with people you're familiar with that you get along with might make work better also Joel and Valentine ever have stuff they have any projects for their field of study they can work together on it.

Fang works at a community college.

Axel and Hayden are the only people in this friend group who majors aren't similar or jobs aren't the same as their friends.

Axel loves building stuff while Wren likes reading, writing.

Wren spend a big chunk of his childhood going to the library to read books.

One of Wren's requests when moving was being able to have a book shelf to put all of their books in.

Who lives with who.

Valentine, Katrina, Wren, Hayden and Erik- all live together and get along well.

Axel and Fang live together, they moved in together after Fang got pregnant.

Tasha lives with Joel and Haru, they get along very well.

Jan needed a roommate once he left the dorms so Kasey move in with him since he needed for two, those two get along very well.

Simona and Daphna live together since they both needed roommates, they also live with two other people-these two people might make a appearance. 

Why is the friend group so big because I barely had friends and always dreamed of having  big friend group.

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