Untitled Part 47

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They were happy for their friend and wanted to meet her date since Simona is their best friend.

Back in the basement.

"So you met your knight in sneakers and a baseball cap at the party you didn't want to go too." Said Joel.

"Yes but I didn't know him back then it took until my last year of college for anything to happen ."Said Katrina.

Then Katrina said "Speaking of romantic how are you and Haru doing. "

"Good it's just I don't want to ruin this is the longest relationship I have ever had. "Said Joel.

Joel has been with exactly three people before in his life.

One relationship lasted a month- it ended because the girl wanted to get back with her ex.

Second relationship last a year- guy was being paid by his friends to date him and it ended at a end of the year school date.

 Third relationship is the one he has with Haru which is in it's second year.

"Same here I'm still wondering what those two see in us. "Said Katrina.

"It's best to not question it you don't question why a attractive guy is dating you you just be grateful for it. "Said Joel.

"True. "Said Katrina.

When Joel left.

"I have something to tell you and you can't tell Joel. "Said Valentine.

"Is Haru breaking up with him ? " Said Katrina.

"No this news is good news. "Said Valentine.

"What is this good news. "Said Katrina.

"Haru is asking Joel to marry him . "Said Valentine.

"They have been together almost as long as we have. "Said Katrina.

"True but he thinks it's the right time also he has been into him for a while now. "Said Valentine.

"Joel will be so surprised yet very happy he was worried about ruining this relationship. "Said Katrina.

"I can understand that I relate to it. "Said Valentine.

"How so. "Said Katrina.

"I'm worried about doing the wrong thing, we had out first relationship fight and I thought my relationship was over and I didn't want to it be because being with you is the best thing ever. "Said Valentine.

"Same here. "Said Katrina.

"Haru wants us to be there when he proposes. "Said Valentine.

"Can I tell Simona about it. "Said Katrina.

"Yeah since she's one of Joel's best friends it's important that she knows about it. "Said Valentine.

"So how's work been going ."Said Katrina.

"Good just planning for the upcoming school year being a professor is so stressful I also just finished writing the paper to get my masters so there's that. "Said Valentine.

"Soon you're be Dr. Wang. "Said Katrina.

"Yeah. "Said Valentine.

"I'm so proud of you babe ."Said Katrina.

They kissed.

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