Untitled Part 13...

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Katrina went into the basement since that's where some of his brothers are.

His two sisters were helping their dad and one of the brothers with the cooking.

Valentine put some of the food they brought that didn't get eaten at his parents' house on a table.

One of his brothers is married to someone who's handicap and lucky for them the basement has no stairs, the person uses a cane but can walk without it  they have this thing where if they stand for too long they felt like their legs are fire and they might pass out.

Here's the low down.(I forgot mention that some of Katrina's siblings aren't straight, I don't know if I mentioned it.)

Katrina is the sixth child of his parents.

The oldest is Ruki- he's straight, work in a office, is married and has one kid, he's bookworm, his spouse is handicap, has a degree in history.

Next is Edward-pan, an artsy guy, smart, cares about people, has a boyfriend ,works at a paint a plate store, has no kids ,has a art degree and masters in literature. 

Then you have Jaylen- ace/pan, gamer, sweet, has a boyfriend, scared of wombats, works at a comic book store, has no kids but wants to be a dad, has a degree in writing.

Then there's Jordan, he's gay, goth, works as a computer teacher at a old folks home, is single, also he and Jaylen are twins, has a IT degree.

He was in a relationship but his ex dumped him because he wanted a family and his ex wanted to see other people, lucky he wasn't getting cheated on in a sexual sense but his ex did kiss a another guy right before he broke up with him.

Next it's Katrina- fashion and beauty major, gay, has a boyfriend, loves to draw and enjoys video games.

Lastly you have Maya and Gracie.

Maya-Grunge, creative, loves music, smart, likes films about magic, straight, wants to go to college for art and history.

Gracie-girly, does dance, likes football, loves fashion, doesn't know what she is, wants to be a a college gym teacher.

Katrina got a text from Joel it was a photo of him.

"Guess who I ran into. "Said Joel.

It was him with Haru.

They were at a local coffee shop.

Followed by.

"I'm on a date with my crush."

Well Joel has always liked Haru but no one thought they would end up like this.

Also neither Katrina or his two best friends ran into anyone from their old high school so that was good.

There was a another photo and it was of Haru kissing Joel.

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