Untitled Part 36.

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Hayden was working.

It was late at night.

Kasey was also working late so during their breaks they would call each other.

When Hayden got home, he texted Kasey that he made it home save all he wanted to do was sleep, being so relieved that he didn't have to go into work tomorrow.

Once he got ready for bed he was now sleeping.

He took a shower then he washed his face, putting face cleanser on his face, he put on his pajamas and got ready for bed.

His room is the closest to the bathroom.

He felt so tired.

When he woke up he ate breakfast, did his share of the chores, took a shower, got on some sweats and went to go back to bed because he was still very tired.

Hayden woke up and it was like four pm.

Erik was the only one home.

"Sorry if I woke you ."Said Erik.

"No I woke up on my own. "Said Hayden.

"How are you feeling. "Said Erik.

"Good ."Said Hayden.

The next people to come home was Wren and Valentine.

They both carpooled to work.

Wren had test to grade and also had to prepare for this thing involving asking questions almost like a game show thing.

All of the History and Science teachers were expected to help out.

Their school was competing against other schools.

  They were now including English questions so the English teachers had to help.

Joel and Valentine both had to come up with questions to test their students on and the best students in the class get to compete and what ever team wins their school get funding.

Joel, Wren and Valentine didn't like the idea but didn't get a said in it.

Valentine had a lot on his place- grading test, Basketball coaching, this question games and managing a successful loving relationship.

"I need a nap. "Said Wren.

"You poor thing. "Said Erik going to kiss Wren.

It was Valentines' night to cook dinner.

He decided to make a pork lasagna since Erik doesn't eat beef.

It would take hours to make but he had a lot of premade stuff.

Coupons come in handy when shopping for stuff.

Katrina came home next.

"My feet hurt from standing. "Said Katrina.

He went to lay down a little before dinner.

Only he ended up sleeping for two hours.

Valentine went to check on him and he looked peaceful.

Meanwhile Wren got a text from Axel asking them if he would help him with project.

"What kind of project ?"

Axel ends up calling him.

"I want to ask Fang to marry me, I know I have only been with him for a almost year but ever since I went out with him I knew this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with it."

"Okay I'll help you."

 So he did.

Wren and Erik are the only people besides doctors who have seen Axel and Fang since the babies have arrived.

Axel has been out of the house but he's been working from home with online orders for flooring since he doesn't want to get his kids sick.

Wren showed up after work.

Fang was sleeping.

Wren said they was going to keep the stuff at his house since keeping it here will ruin the surprise.

Axel was drawing up some ideas.

"I think this one is perfect. "Said Wren.

Axel could of asked his other friends but but he asked Wren since Wren is one his sibling and two his best friend also some of his own friends aren't into weddings.

One of his friends he straight up stopped being friends with because they refused to be around Fang because they thought the site of seeing a pregnant man was gross.

The next day Wren had the day off from work.

"I brought some stuff you can use. "Said Katrina carrying a bin of stuff.

The bin had Halloween stuff.

Fang love Halloween and all that stuff.

Axel was building  an arch.

There was a lot of painting that had to be done.

Fang knew nothing.

He would ask Axel what he was doing.

"Working on a project with Wren it's a surprise." Said Axel.

He wasn't lying.


"I need a nap, work is so stressful. "Said Valentine.

"Tell me your troubles . "Said Katrina.

Valentines tells him all he has to say.

"Lets ease your stress. "Said Katrina.

A hour later.

"I'm still stressed but more relaxed ."Said Valentine.

All this proposal talk got Katrina thinking.

"I want to get married someday. "Said Katrina.

"I know so do I . "Said Valentine.

 "I already drew up design ideas. "Said Katrina.

Katrina loves fashion but it's something that got him picked on during his childhood and why he only four friends he had from his childhood.

Katrina wasn't popular he was seen as the gay Japanese punk boy who liked fashion who got decent grades that once got shoved against locker that only happened once because he pushed that guy and no one tried to do that.

Valentine on the other hand was Mr. popular during his youth for just being nice to people.

Only like four people hating him for being gay and one hated him for being Chinese.

When Valentine found out that Katrina was unpopular he was shocked.

Katrina's one of the coolest people he knows and he doesn't just say that because they're dating.

"I'm glad you like how creative I am maybe being a fashion dork pays off.. "Said Katrina.

"Sorry I just can't picture you being uncool you're the coolest guy I know and the fact that other people thought of you as lame makes no sense to me. "Said Valentine.

First time Valentine saw Katrina he thought Katrina would be too cool to talk to him he was proven wrong.

When the day of the big question tournament arrived.

"Today we have FWU Dolphins and against NFC Tigers. "

NFC-North Field College is the school that Valentine, Joel and Wren work at.

NFC ended up winning.

FWU were good sports about it, their principal wasn't and tried to throw his shoe at someone.

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