Untitled Part 74...

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Later on .

Kasey arrived home and was greeted by his two favorite people.

Everyone else arrived home later.

Hayden looks tired.

He was told to go lay down.

Kasey was now holding his son trying to get him to go to sleep and when he finally got him to go to sleep.

Later everyone talked about their day.

Hayden got up to go eat.

Two months later.

Katrina was setting up all of his outfits he made for the show.

His friends were there to see him.

Even Hayden and Kasey.

Knox was with Kasey's parents who keep a clean house and make sure their house is clean and dusted because they don't want their grandson to get sick.

This was the first since Knox was born that Hayden has been outside and it wasn't for a doctor's appointment.

Hayden's on paternity leave right now.

As for Kasey he can work from home and has been sometimes he goes go into the building of his job to work.

 He has been busy with making digital art for a cereal ad for a independence small company.

 He had so much work that needed to be done but now he's finally done for now.

All of his bills are paid.

Meanwhile backstage.

Katrina was fixing some stuff that needed to be fixed.

When it was his turn.

"We have a new collection by a up and coming designer this line is called one night in Tokyo by Kat designs.

Well this ended up on the news.

Katrina even got interviewed on a local new station.

"I'm Katrina Wang, formerly Katrina Makamota and aka the designer of Kat designs the name came from my nickname Kat, I'm still working on the name."

"Why is the line called one night in Tokyo. "

"I'm Japanese and have been to Tokyo twice in my life when I was younger, my culture is important to me a lot of my designs are inspired by Visual Kei, anime, ancient Japan and modern Japanese fashion you see when you watch Japanese dramas, I hope to one day go back to the country." 

"I can tell from your outfit that fashion is important to you."

"It is fashion has always been a big part of me, I was never seen as cool because of my style and interest but I hope to inspire people to have a interest in fashion and express themselves ."

He mentioned the place he works for- his job is working for a company where each person there works to develop their skills and talent.

 Someone asked if Katrina was a stage name.

"No the story behind it is that after having so many boys my parents assumed their next child would be a girl and they always liked the name Katrina and got so much stuff with it on it but then I showed up and they kept the name, I was the only man I know named Katrina."

They asked him a bunch of other questions.

After the interview was over.

Katrina could go home.

He got a lot of text from people telling him he did a good job.

He did find out that his former friend(they were never actually friends also they had only been friends for like two years.)Damon was jealous that he appeared on tv before he did.

Katrina did have to deal with some people having a issue with him since he's a tall gay Japanese man with long blue hair, diy gender nonconforming fashion and a big personality but he's been dealing with this his whole life so he expected this but he didn't give a crap about it.

He's learn to stop caring what others think of him.

Later on .

"You did so well in that interview. "Said Valentine.

"You told me this earlier. "Said Katrina.

"I know but it's true also you looked so handsome in that outfit. "Said Valentine.

Valentine and Katrina were about to kiss.

"You're sweating. "Said Katrina.

Katrina felt his forehead.

"You're burning up lets get you to bed. "Said Katrina.

"Okay. "Said Valentine.

Valentine was in comfortable clothing and was now in bed.

"I'm going to get you some medicine ."Said Katrina.

Valentine rarely get sick.

This also meant that Hayden couldn't be in the house tomorrow because Valentine was sick which means if Hayden or Kasey get sick then Knox gets sick and well Valentine would feel terrible.

Katrina text the rest of the roommates about this.

Kasey, Hayden and Knox ended up staying with Jan and Juda because of this.

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