Untitled Part 79

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Wren got up to make dinner since it was their term to make dinner.

"We're having grilled cheese and tomato soup. "Said Wren.

"That sounds kind of plain. "Said Hayden.

"Trust me it won't be, I'm going to go get some stuff. "Said Wren.

Wren grabbed his coat, little backpack and shoes.

The backpack is where Wren put their wallet, mints, tissues, keys etc.

Wren got the coupons and his supermarket rewards card.

They got his car and drove there.

The house has a drive way and garage plus the front is enough room to park a car despite this area not being rich.

Wren made it to the supermarket.

Wren had a list of stuff they will need.

Tomatoes, cheese, onions, heavy cream and garlic.

Wren also was getting some seeds to start a herbs and veggie garden.

Wren also needed oranges, peaches and a premade pie crust.

Wren was making a orange and peach pie to eat after dinner.

Wren got some spices and herbs.

He also stopped at a store to get their mother a gift for her birthday.

Wren washed his hands and got to work.

Wren also made some bacon to put in the sandwiches since everyone here eats pork.

Dinner went great.

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