Untitled Part 67.....)

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Jan and Kasey are roommates.

They get along well.

Their apartment is nice.

Jan and Kasey both know that one day they will be moving out.

Kasey wants to live with Hayden, he loves him and plans on living his life with him.

Jan is serious about his new relationship.

Juda or Jude- Jude Logan Yoon- he's Joel's paternal cousin.

 Jude's mother is the sister of Joel's dad.

Jude is a Librarian, a double major- Library science and English Literature.

He's been planning on getting his masters.

He dresses grunge and his cousin manage to talk him into working at the library at his job because one of the librarians retired and moved to Miami.

A week later.

"I have one rule. "Said Joel.

"What is it. "Said Jude.

"Don't make out with Jan in the teacher's lounge ."Said Joel.

"I won't, I take my job seriously. "Said Jude.

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