Untitled Part 21

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It was almost Valentine's day.

Katrina was at a local supermarket getting everything he needs because His boyfriend's birthday is on Valentine's day.

He's making a Funfetti and Cherry Cake.

He got all the stuff he would need.

He plans on making a homemade cake with some cherry pie filling in it.

Katrina can bake, baking and cooking are skills his parents made sure his siblings knew how to that stuff.

His birthday was a nine days ago and Valentine made him, his favorite food granted it was boxed noodles and a box of scampi shrimp he got using coupons but it was perfect also he got him some macrons from some bakery nearby.

Katrina had a lot of coupons with him.

He had a plan for the meal-homemade tacos, then the cake.

He also has to get him a gift.

Valentine got him some sewing stuff.

Katrina was thinking of sewing something but that's too much work but then he thought of stuff Valentine likes-Baseball is something Valentine's loves but he also loves to read.

Katrina plans on getting him a book and making a bookmark for it.

He went to park his car.

Valentine wasn't home, he was staying with his parents to help them with some stuff so he doesn't know what Katrina is planning.

Katrina had is coupons with him, his club card and his list of stuff he'll need.

First aisle the International one.

He found some bubble tea mix because he doesn't know how to make Bubble tea.

Valentine loves Milk tea.

He put in it the cart.

Next was taco seasoning, he's not making that from scratch.

He got the kind he needed and some other stuff in that section.

He went to baking aisle.

Cherry pie filling, pipping bags, pipping tips, baking flour, red food coloring, sprinkles and candles.

He needed heavy cream and butter.

He looked at all the coupons he had.

He had one for everything he needed.

He also had regular flour and he had sugar and eggs already.

He paid for everything.

He also had to get some decoration.

Lucky for him there's a near by dollar store.

Katina has a job, he works at a clothing store he just started the job last month.

 He went to go look for stuff and found some perfect stuff.

He budgeted all the stuff he needed.

He got the cheaper stuff when he was shopping for baking and taco stuff while also buying decoration because Valentine would be upset that he spend a lot of money on him.

Katrina went home and got all the bags out of the car.

His car is a used car he got in high school and it has a lot of trunk space.

Now he had to get started on the baking and cooking.

He changed his clothes into ones he didn't mind getting dirty.

Put his hair up in a ponytail and puts on a apron.

He has slippers on because they don't allow shoes on in the house unless the person isn't wearing socks/tights.

He got out of his baking supplies and washed his hands.

Everything was going well.

He was getting tired from all of this baking but the cake turned out great.

 He cleaned up the kitchen and put the cake away.

He also had the gift he planned on getting him.

He's making him a photo shadow box of stuff from when they first got together.

The day before the party he made homemade tacos.

Valentine went back to the house the next day and saw the cake and tacos.

"I made all of this. "Said Katrina.

"Kat you didn't have to make me all of this. "Said Valentine.

"I wanted too. "Said Katrina.

"I love you. 'Said Valentine.

"I do too. "Said Katrina

Dinner goes good.

The night isn't over yet.

Katrina's changes into something more comfortable.

Katrina has on only a robe.

"Happy Valentine's day big guy."

Once it's over.

They had the house to themselves.

 Valentine got a bunch of gifts from friends and family.

The next day he had class.

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