Untitled Part 30....)

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Not a update but a get to know them better but this one also features Wren and other friends of them.

Flavor of treat.

Valentine-Cherry or Funfetti.

Katrina-Strawberry/Strawberry Cheesecake or Lemon but he also likes strawberry shortcakes and lemon cakes.

Erik- Raspberry or Peanut butter.

Hayden-Mint chocolate chip but he does find Lime to be a tasty flavor.

Wren- Peach or Lemon.

Favorite flavor of treat- their friends' favorites.




Fang-Chocolate Banana.

Tasha-Apple or Lime.

Axel-Grape or Lemon.

Jan-Peanut Butter.


Daphne- Sakura or Strawberry.

Favorite snack.


Katrina-Macrons and chips.

Erik-Kaju Kaiti.



Which one of them would eat a carton or bag of Goldfish-Haru, his go to flavors are the carrots ones, the cookies and the tomatoes ones.

Who would eat a sleeve of Thin Mints- Hayden, he loves mint chocolate.

Who's the type to put a bunch of stuff in their tea-Erik and Simona, Erik loves tea and Simona loves Matcha flavored stuff.

Jan hates coffee and tea but he's the type to drink Gatorade while he's eating a ice cream.

 Who likes flavored water-Axel but only Grape or Lemon.

Axel likes Grape flavored stuff and Wren tells him "You like cough medicine flavored stuff." he's the only one of his friends who eats Grape flavored stuff.

Hayden is the only one of his friends and even his siblings who likes Mint Chocolate stuff, his boyfriend(because he has one now.)Kasey says he smells minty fresh anytime he sees him and it's  a nice scent because it's calming.

Jan is the only ones who likes Candy Hearts.

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