Untitled Part 54...

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"I have never been in the teacher's lounge before. "Said Wren.

"Neither have I . "Said Joel.

"Same here. "Said Valentine.

This was a new thing for them, they felt like they didn't belong here despite being professors.

They belong here, they are the teachers.

"Look the newbies. "

"Don't be like that."

"They all look too young to be professors."

"I'm Mr. Valentine Wang". "Said Valentine

"Mx. Wren Tanaka. "Said Wren.

"Mr. Joel Bunnag ."Said Joel.

One of the older teachers made a comment about Wren using Mx.

His respond was "You can call me Wren if it's so hard for you to call me Mx. Tanaka. "

Another professor said "Bill back when you were a newbie professor, teachers could smoke indoors and that hair cut of yours was still in style." 

So he asked what subjects they were teaching.

"Let me guess gender studies.

"History. "Said Wren.

"English . "Said Joel.

"I'm also a English professor I plan on getting my PHD. "Said Valentine.

Wren thought about getting theirs all he had to write a bunch of papers which for Wren is easy and then they  wouldn't have to deal with people having a fit over him using Mx. also they would make more money and get more respect from people who show him none just for existing.

End of flashback.

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