Untitled Part 66...

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Wren also got someone to teach their class for him while their out of town.

A week later.

Wren and Erik were getting ready to go back home.

Wren had a make a stop after they arrived back home.

Wren got the ring.

He's been saving money.

Some money went to bills, some went to food and some when to paying for the ring.

It wasn't a costly ring.

Christmas has already past and now it's a January.

Wren got dressed because they and Erik were going out to some outdoor thing.

It was Erik's birthday.

When they arrived there it was nice.

Erik had no idea about the proposal but when Wren went to propose to him.

Erik got very emotional.

Hayden got a text that said "Wil you be my best man. "

Hayden texted him back "Dude I would be honor to be your best man."

Wren texted Axel "Hey wanna be my best man. "

"I would be honored. "Said Axel.

The next day.

It was the weekend but Axel had work and Fang was helping his mother with something.

So Wren was babysitting his niblings.

The twins are three almost four now and already have their own personality.

Luanna is full of energy while Gavin is quiet.

They are aware that Wren isn't a guy or girl.

How they were told is like this-some people are girls, some are boy, Nibi Wren isn't either."

Their only question was "Does Nibi Wren like chicken nuggets."

Wren respond was "Yeah."

All was good after that.

Right now Wren was making them lunch and then went to take them to the library so they get go to a story time.

Wren likes to read and was watching their niblings as the story time was going on.

They ended up not getting any books but still.

They got ice cream later after coming from the library.

Luanna likes chocolate while Gavin likes cookie dough.


Haru and Erik were working on a project for their respected jobs.

Haru asked Erik about wedding plans.

"Going good. "Said Erik.

Then Haru said out of nowhere "Jan is dating Joel's cousin."

"Really " Said Erik.

"Yeah he was his plus one at Val and Kat's wedding. "Said Haru

"I thought they were just friends. "Said Erik.

"No they are boyfriends. "Said Haru.

"Good for them ."Said Erik.

Jan just started working at the same college as his friends.

(I changed his major from Art to music because I got him and Fang confused for a moment.)

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