Untitled Part 43

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Valentine got to see the violin.

Katrina took it out of storage.

"I think I can still play this thing. "Said Katrina.

He tuned it and started playing.

Valentine was in aw of this.

Valentine that night thought to himself- I'm going to ask Katrina to marry me.

He wanted it to be perfect.

Katrina is the love of his life so it must be perfect.

Valentine was thinking of ideas.

He doesn't have a ring but he a lot of ideas.

He was stopped right in his tracks when he got a called that Katrina got sick at work.

Katrina got sick for a similar reason that Hayden got sick at his job.

"I'm going to take care of you. "Said Valentine.

One of Katrina's manages who didn't like him saw this and said "Get back to work."

Katrina was about to when Valentine said "No you're going home so I can take care of you."

This same manage then said to Katrina "You're fired."

Katrina looked so upset.

When he went home.

"I got sick and fired at the same time I don't know what to do now. "Said Katrina.

Valentine was making him some soup when he heard this.

"Hey right now you have to do is get better. "Said Valentine.

Katrina has health issuance so he didn't have to worry about that.

He couldn't sleep that nigh either.

He felt better in the morning but now he had to look for a job.

 What kind of jobs could he do while having a fashion degree.

He checked out jobs maybe a seamstress.

Which he thought would be a perfect job for him but he never heard back.

He tried other jobs with his degree and nothing worked.

He tried getting another restaurant job but his old job would write him a recommendation so he tried to getting a job without it and nothing.

He tried finding a job working at a clothing store but no one was hiring.

"How's the job search going. "Said Valentine.

"Terrible, I tried to get a marketing job but didn't have the right looking. "Said Katrina.     

Katrina was now regarding getting a fashion degree.

He assumed since he got into that internship that it would help him get a job but he got booted out of that, he found out that Damien got in when he applied again.

He was now looking for internships.

He found one.

He managed to get in but instead of doing anything fashion related like he wanted or hope to do instead he bring coffee to people and cleaning stuff up.

He showed one of his bosses his designs but instead of being impressed her respond was "Go get coffee. "

His other boss told him the same thing followed by him saying "You're not here to show off your drawings now go."

He put his sketchpad back in his car and went go to coffee for everyone since that's all he's good for anyway, he should of just gotten a job at a coffeeshop but he did apply to one and never heard so he shouldn't be complaining.

He got everyone their coffee and breakfast.

"What else do you want me to do. "Said Katrina.

"Clean up that mess over there. "


So he did.

He was wondering when he would finally get to do something fashion related.

After he cleaned up that mess his bosses told him to go pick up their lunches.

He wondered if he got a lunchbreak.

"Do I get a lunchbreak."

"No now go."

Katrina went to go do what he was told to do.

"Anything else you want me to do sir."

"This taste terrible, get out of my sight now."


"Don't bother coming in tomorrow you're fired."

" Okay."

So he went home feeling like crap.

He got fired after two days of nothing but running errands and clean up messes.

They didn't even care to look at his design.

He didn't fight for this internship because he knew they never wanted him they just needed someone to run errands and clean up messes, he was never going to do anything involving fashion anyway.

Everyone got home from work.

Valentine went to ask Katrina how work went.

"I got fired because one of my bosses didn't like the salad I brought him. "

"That sucks. "Said Valentine.

"I didn't get to do anything fashion related, all I did was run errands and clean up messes, I showed them designs but all they told was that no one wanted to see my drawings." Said Katrina.

"Well don't get discourage. "Said Valentine.

"Maybe I shouldn't of gotten a fashion degree maybe I should just work a boring office job instead of following dreams. "Said Katrina 

Valentine tried to cheer him up but nothing work.

He did end up getting hired back but he still didn't get to do anything fashion related.

He watched other people show off their designs while he was sorting spools of thread by color.

He wanted to show his bosses his designs again but they might called them silly little drawings again so why bother.

Next task was sorting fabrics by design and color, a boring task.

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