Untitled Part 44

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Katrina went to work, he did get paid so that's good.

He went to eat a candy bar as he drove to do some errands for his bosses since he doesn't have a lunchbreak so he won't pass out from not eating something.

He had to pick up dry cleaning, lunch, fabric samples and staples.

The staples were for paperwork regarding orders from stores.

Everyone else who works there are designers who make their own clothes, there's no factory here or in another country.

Katrina on the other doesn't know what his job title is, all he's been doing is running errands and cleaning stuff up.

After running all of the errands and returning back to work he askes what else do they need him to do.

All he was told was to figure it out himself.

He went to cleaning up a mess of fabric, he looked and saw people drawing sketching and sewing clothing and he was jealous.

They get to do all of that why all he gets to do is run errands and clean up after people.

His bosses were going this big fashion show one he has heard of.

He assumed since he's been running errands that they would need him to come with them to help out he was kind of right.

He carried stuff in for people and got people coffee but other than that he didn't get to do much of anything.

He went to tell someone he liked their design but they gave him a don't bother me I'm busy look.

So he sat in room waiting until the show was over.

He went to check his messages and emails on his phone.

He was so bored.

His outfit was pretty plain which was weird for him.

Most of his outfits are usually funk, alternative, diy and creative but since he's been working there they basically told him not to dress like that.

His outfit is a collared shirt, a denim jack, some jeans and sneakers.

One of the designers hurt their wrist sewing something.

Usually they would find someone to finish the rest of the designs for them and usually this means "Hey can you sew, you can okay go finish the rest of the designs." and yet that never happened all was Katrina being asked to go get a ice pack for the designer's wrist.

"Sure. "Said Katrina.

He got the ice pack and went back to where he was sitting.

He went to text Simona about what was going on since she asked him to tell her about the show.

"I'm in some waiting area, I just got back from getting someone a ice pack for their wrist." 


"Yeah they found someone else to finish the designs . "

"So you're basically the assistant and errand person that sucks."

"It does but at least I'm getting paid."

Someone saw him on his phone.

"You can't have your phone on why the show is going on."

"Oh okay."

So he text Simona that he had to turn his phone off.

So he saw sat bored.

Why did he even come if the only thing he got to do is carry stuff for people, bring them coffee and get someone a ice pack, he thought going to a fashion would of be something fun where he would get to show off his designs and yet he didn't even get to do that."

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