Untitled Part 26

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Katrina starts his internship now it was going very well until they had to cut someone and he got cut from it.

Getting this internship was his dream since middle school.

He wanted to be a fashion design who makes his own clothes, it's his dream.

His dream that seems so faraway from reach.

He's so upset.

Valentine sees this and being the best boyfriend ever goes to cheer him up.

"You have a lot to offer to the world also you're so talented and I'm not just saying that because you're my boyfriend. "Said Valentine

Katrina can make a cake from scratch, he can sew/knit, he can cook and draw also he knows how to built a bed.

Katrina sucks at sports, can't do a handstand and can't bind a book also he can't speak Chinese.

He's been learning because Valentine is Chinese American and he wants to learn because Valentine's Chinese heritage is super important to him. 

But he sucks at speaking it.


Wren and Erik were putting stuff up in the bedroom.

Wren is punk and Erik is colorful/creative.


"This painting looks nice. "Said Erik.

They were at some home deco store.

Erik and Wren were talking about what other stuff they might need.

Wren mentioned how his family has handled the news that Axel and Fang were having a baby.

Some were okay with it, some were angry about it and some didn't care.

Wren heard that their mother was so happy.

End of flashback.

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