Chapter 81 (PART TWO): A Not-So-Happy Birthday

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FEBRUARY 28, 2006


AT 10:29 AM 


I was sitting in a hotel looking at the clock inside the room. I had nowhere else to go so I decided that I was going to hide out in this hotel. Hopefully, the people who are working for the same group as Takuo Shibuimaru and his brother, Isamu Shibuimaru didn't know about my whereabouts. I lit up the small candle in my Poke Ball cupcake. I sat there looking at the cupcake knowing that my birthday was finally here, but it wasn't how I pictured it. It wouldn't be how I pictured it at all. I would have never pictured myself on my birthday hiding from some biker gang and Rina, but this was what I was getting. I was also never going to save Mr. Mikami. He was going to be in jail for the next five years. I started to get emotional because I knew that I wasn't going to get what I wanted for my birthday after all since it was finally here. I wouldn't have cared if we went out to eat, went to the mall, went bowling, or played video games in an arcade. All that I wanted was for Mr. Mikami to be safe and with Ms. Hirota. 

I watched as the clock went from 10:29 AM to 10:30 AM. This is when I got even more emotional than before. "It's here," I let out. "I'm finally seventeen years old." My eyes started to get teary. "I know that I'm not going to get what I want for my birthday," I continued. "Mr. Mikami's still in prison, Chief Matsuda has been kidnapped, and I'm hiding from the bad guys...all alone...with no one to go to. Life hasn't gone the way that I planned ever since I arrived in Japan. I was chosen by Light Yagami to become The Next Kira, went to a new school only to have it collapse, and made new friends only to put them in danger or have them die like on Final Destination." I started to cry after I said that. "My favorite teacher got arrested and the police chief is now kidnapped," I sobbed. "I can't even save Ms. Hirota because she didn't believe me when I told her about my vision." I sniffed as I continued to cry. "I want to find a way to stop it," I continued. "I don't want anything that Rina dreams about to come true." I dried my tears. "I wish that Rina will meet her downfall today and that I will get these two things for my birthday. Chief Matsuda recovered safely and for Mr. Mikami to be released from prison." 

After I said that, I closed my eyes and blew out the candle. Right when I opened my eyes, I saw the time change from 10:30 AM to 10:31 AM. At that time, I took the candle out from the cupcake. I placed it on one of the napkins that I got from the same coffee house where I saw Shontelle. I was about to get the cupcake out of the wrapper and eat it when I heard my phone beep. I placed my cupcake down, got my phone out of my pocket, flipped it open, and saw a very disturbing message that read in Japanese: 

"夕暮れ時に行く。マリーを捕まえ、人里離れた建物に連れて行き、レイプする。金はすぐに渡す。" (We go at nightfall. Capture Marie, take her to a secluded building, and rape her. I'll give you the money soon.) 

My mouth went dry after reading that. I knew the exact person who would send a message like that. It was Rina! I have no idea why she sent me that message, but soon after that, I saw another message that popped up that read in Japanese: 

"おっと。ごめんね、マリー。番号を間違えた。" (Whoops. Sorry, Marie. Wrong number.)

Another message in Japanese popped up after that which read: 

"それじゃ、あんたは最悪だね。" (Sucks to be you then.) 

Another one: 

"まあいい。" (Oh well) 

Followed by the final message I received from Rina: 

"今夜また会おう、クソ女!" (I'll see you tonight, b**ch!) 

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