Chapter 4

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     The silver ring-shaped experiment table spread outwards with the giant mecha in the middle of the classroom as its centre. From afar, it looked like ripples in water. This was the thousand-person classroom of the Interstellar's number one university, Amro. Once the students inserted their identity cards, a half-meter tall screen would light up in front of the experiment table. From afar, it was a spectacular sight.

As usual, the classroom was already full twenty minutes before class started. The only difference today was that the classroom was a little noisy — many students were discussing the upcoming Mecha Basic Theory class. Although the name of the class had the word "basic", everyone knew that this class, which had been personally planned and written by the Imperial Mecha Research Institute's Dean Duan, had nothing to do with the word "basic".

Even at Amro University, the Mecha Basic Theory class maintained a high failure rate of 45% every year. It was no exaggeration to say that this class was a huge hurdle that every mecha designer had to cross in life.

"Why hasn't the system shown who will be our substitute this year …" A student said as he tapped on the screen to confirm again. When he found that the column for the Mecha Basic Theory class was still blank, he suddenly raised his head and asked his companion in an exaggerated manner, "Could it be that no one dares to take it this year?"

He wasn't speaking blindly. After the Imperial Mecha Research Institute's Dean Duan had developed the new mecha, the mecha industry in the Interstellar had ushered in a complete revolution. Even now, although there were teaching materials written by the Dean himself, even the top scientists of the Research Institute found it difficult to figure it out on their own, much less explain it to the students.

Out of respect for the Interstellar's number one university, Amro had lowered the difficulty of the class, but the exams were still not easy to fool. Over time, this class became a hot potato. Every year, a different teacher would take over.

"What's wrong?" Another student slumped over the table in despair. "Then what am I going to do …"

Just as everyone was chatting heatedly, the mecha in the centre of the classroom suddenly disappeared, and a large screen appeared in its place — it turned out that the one in the classroom just now was not a real mecha, but just a holographic projection simulated by the screen. After seeing the screen, the classroom immediately fell silent. Everyone's gaze turned to the center of the ring-shaped classroom.

"Notice: Basic Mecha Theory Class will begin in ten minutes. Please pay attention to class discipline. First, no loud noises or loud noises … "The screen was actually used to emphasize class discipline? The students below were speechless.

But before anyone could start complaining, someone exclaimed, "Look at the window!" It was only then that they realized that the thirty-meter-tall floor-to-ceiling window of the classroom was densely packed with military hovercars.

What the hell is going on? All the security guards on Planet Duguang were gathered here, right?

Noticing the scene outside the window, the classroom immediately quieted down. Although they were studying the hardcore of mecha design, they were still students after all. After seeing the group of fully armed special forces soldiers outside the window, everyone couldn't help but feel nervous. It was also at this time that the light screen in front of everyone showed the sign that the class had begun.

The Mech reappeared in the middle of the classroom.

A few seconds later, the metal floor beside the mech opened up to reveal a small hover device. The floor below the lecture area was the teacher's resting area. Although they were already used to teachers appearing here, for some reason, today's scene seemed especially ritualistic in the eyes of the students ….

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