Chapter 52

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     Ever since Duan Hengye had inserted the mecha's information into the research institute's super photon computer, the photon computer had been overloaded with calculations every day, every hour, and every second.

The computing power of the Yeti Empire Mecha Research Institute's photon computer was one of the top three in the entire galaxy. When it was operating normally, it used less than 20% of its computing power to support the operation of the entire research institute.

When Duan Hengye used the photon computer to conduct simulations, he also transferred the daily computing tasks of the research institute to a backup photon computer. So up until now, no one in the institute knew how far Dean Duan's work had progressed.

After returning to the research institute from the capital planet, Duan Hengye once again locked himself in his office. This time, he didn't work non-stop like before. Instead, he sat quietly in front of the photon computer and observed the progress of the simulation experiment.

As a mecha, it had to be able to deal with all the harsh environments in the galaxy. Whether it was the ultra-high temperature or the cosmic radiation that could be named or not, or even the cosmic radiation that had not been thoroughly studied. So just the simulation of the cosmic environment in the photon computer alone took a full ten days.

Mecha experiments were not an easy task. Although Duan Hangye also understood that if the experiment went wrong, he would only be left with a pile of useless useless data. But after returning to the research institute, Duan Hangye still stayed in front of the optical computer without leaving for a moment.

Finally, the simulation experiment slowly came to an end.

Looking at the last name left in the experimental project column, Duan Hangye, who was sitting in front of the optical computer, couldn't help but feel nervous.

Even though the photon computer randomly arranged the experiments, the last experiment didn't have the highest failure rate. But because the experiment was coming to an end, Duan Hengye couldn't help but feel nervous.

Finally, the last experiment began. The data on the photon computer changed, and the entire silver laboratory was once again illuminated by a dark blue light.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the data on the screen was changing faster and faster. After a while, the data on the screen was changing so fast that the human eye couldn't keep up with it. Earlier, Duan Hengye had been following the data closely, but now that the data was so fast that it was dizzying, he finally gave up on this task. Duan Hengye looked at the estimated end time of the experiment and stood up from his seat.

There was less than half an hour left before the end of the experiment. Duan Hengye took out his optical computer and started refreshing it to ease his nerves.

After seeing the contact ID in the optical computer, Duan Hengye suddenly remembered something important.

That was the registration of the mecha.

If the simulation on the A.I. was successful, it would be best for the mecha to enter the official testing phase as soon as possible. Before that, he had to register his real name on the Star Web.

After registration, some basic information about the mecha would be published on the star web at the same time. In other words, the birth of a new generation of mecha could not be kept a secret for much longer.

Seeing the progress bar, Duan Hengye silently walked to the other side of the room and took out the optical computer that he had neglected for a long time.

Then, Duan Hengye found Meng Jinhuai's name.

Duan Hengye hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he opened the conversation with Meng Jinhuai. However, Duan Hengye was not in a hurry to send a message to Meng Jinhuai. When the conversation window opened, he once again walked to the optical computer.

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