It's Morbin' Time! (Jared Leto x Male OC Imagine)

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This oneshot is for my brain to write for your lovely faces, I hope you like it! This oneshot may not contain smut, but in case it does, be cautious, lovely readers! Now, let's get to the story.

Kyle's POV

I stretched my arms above my head and stared at my laptop, the world flying by outside my office window and taking any creativity away from my brain. Being a bestselling author wasn't my favorite thing in the world when writer's block comes to call, but I loved telling stories and wanting my readers to know they're not alone in whatever they were going through. That and it allowed me to meet the love of my life when one of my novels got turned into a movie, so I was happy. But this Sunday morning, I really hated writing.

I tried to write at least something on the document for my fifth chapter of this novel and the door to my office opened slowly, revealing light from outside into the dark abyss I'd created. Jared Leto, my boyfriend and the aforementioned love of my life, poked his head in and asked, "Hey, babe. How's writing going so far?"

I tried not to growl at him as I answered, "It's going about as slowly as I can apparently manage to walk through quicksand right now. I have no inspiration to write anything and I can't force any words out of my fingers!" The last bit of my answer came out as a growl and I couldn't figure out how to school my expression while speaking. I saved my document, shut my laptop, and mumbled, "I'm fucked if I can't get this book done by the deadline." 

Jared came into the office and sat right next to me, putting a hand over my own and rubbing my white knuckles to soothe me. I smiled despite my mouth not wanting to and Jared asked, "Did you manage to at least start the chapter with a fresh document and chapter title?" When I nodded at him, he beamed and continued, "Then you've done your work for today. Now, you need to focus on calming down and not pulling yourself into the rabbit hole."

I blushed at Jared and smiled, letting him pull us to our feet and drag me out of the office into the land of the living. I'd been working on a vampire romance novel, so me being in a dark cave helped me write most times. However, Jared was right and I wouldn't get anything done if I kept hating myself, so I followed him out of the office with my hand in his own. Jared smiled at me from ear to ear and I asked, "What do you have planned, Mr. Leto?"

His devilish smile stared back at me and I couldn't tell you what his answer was because he never gave me one. Jared instead pulled me further into the house and hummed without a care in the world for how stressed he was making me; I hated surprises sometimes when I didn't want to be surprised. I kept my eyebrow raised in skepticism about what Jared had planned, but he stopped in front of the living room doors, which were closed tight. That wasn't normal, and I turned to my man with that same expression on my face. Jared chuckled at my face and told me, "Hang on right here, honey. I'll be back and this afternoon is all about you."

I teetered between my feet while Jared left me alone and disappeared into the living room to do God only knows what. I didn't have my phone with me since it was still in my office, so I couldn't waste time on social media or another app I couldn't think of the name of. I did manage to start a song I'd wanted to learn for years, and by the time I'd gotten to the first full chorus, the double doors opened and blackness greeted me. That was surely ominous. I slowly stepped into the abyss and asked, "Hello? Jared, are you there?"

Silence followed my words and I ran into a single chair in the middle of the room. Not strange at all, so not strange. I rubbed my shins and went to sit on the chair when a voice said, "Kyle, baby, you've been such a good boyfriend and are one of the most amazing men I've ever known. And for you being yourself along with wanting to take away your stress, I think it's Morbin' time." I looked around for the owner of the voice and felt hands around my shoulders, keeping me in place when I tried to stand up. Okay, that wasn't what I thought would happen. And the voice seemed familiar to me when I thought about it, but since the light was still off, I couldn't see the person keeping me on my butt. I felt the hands on my shoulders trailing down my chest through my shirt and that same voice growled in my ear, "Are you ready for a show, baby?"

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