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Nick, Jordan and I went ziplining somewhere in the smokies. "You zipped lined with us before,dude. Remember when I dated Demi? It was her,you, Olivia and I. Just the difference is that we have mountains betweens."

"We're even higher up, dude."

I chuckled, "Your girl isn't scared, so you shouldn't be either." I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Fine,fine."

We all got our harnesses on. "Joe,you first." Nick looked at me.

"Okay,weenie." the worker hooked me up and I started off. "Ahh shit,help!!" I acted like I was falling off the harness. "SCREW YOU,JOSEPH" Nick yelled at me.

After I finished, Jordan zipped down the line, then it was finally Nick. "Hey it wasn't that bad.."

I threw my head back laughing at Nick. Next I raced Jordan down and Nick zipped by himself. The next line, Nick and Jordan raced.

We all ended up having a great time. We had lunch afterwards and went back home to have some chill time. "I'm going to check in with Demi before I get in the pool." I opened up the door.

I noticed the back door was open, I put my arm against Nick's stomach, "Did we forgot to shut the door?" Nick was out of words.

"I thought we did..I didn't see it open when we left this morning..shh." we all became silent. "I hear something." Jordan grabbed Nick's arm. It sounded like a kid scream. "Someone brought their kid in our fucking cabin!" I ran to the back.

"Hey!" I stopped when I notice it was Nash and Demi in the pool.

"Daddy!" Nash tried to swim to the steps, but I jumped in fully clothed. I swam to him. "Buddy!!" I picked him up and gave him a big hug. I swam to Demi. "What are you guys doing her?" I put one arm around her.

"Nash was really approving so I chanced it.. I wanted to be here with you guys and he did too." she kissed my cheek. "I missed you guys.. I'm glad you guys came."

"Nicky! Jowdan!" Nash escaped from my arms and swam to them.

"Hey who said you can swim away from me!?" I followed him,making him laugh.

"What are you doing here,bud?" Jordan picked him up and placed him on her waist. "I'm all bedder and mommy missed daddy so here I am!" I chuckled.

"We missed you,buddy." Nick fixed Nash's hair. "How much Nicky?" Jordan handed him to Nick.

"Bigger than this pool." Nick whispered in Nashville's ear, Nash's face little up and it was the cutest thing ever. I glanced over at Jordan, she look like she was about to get sick. I watched as she ran inside. I looked over at Demi, she was too busy in relaxing in the hot tub and Nick was too busy with Nash.

I rubbed my head, "I'll be right back..I need to use the bathroom.." I got out of the pool and grabbed a towel. I quickly dried off and went in. I found the bathroom she was in. I waited until it sounded like she was done. I knocked on the door. "Busy."

The door was luckily unlock. I opened it and went in. "It's Joe..What's wrong?" I closed the door. I sat on the edge of the bath tub. "I'm fucking everything up, Joe." she started crying.

"Hey, hey.." I got on the floor with her, "no one is fucking up're the best thing that has happened to Nick. Tell Dr. Joe what's wrong."

She laughed a little,wiping her eyes, "I'm pregnant and I'll be messing everything up. Everything in his life." she began to cry some more.

"Nick loves babies. He loves Nashville. Have you seen how much he loves his nephew? He wants kids, maybe not right now, but he does. He told his lifelong dreams when he was 11. It included being a father."

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