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We put Nash asleep in his bed on the bus and we were getting ready for bed, since we have a concert tomorrow in San Antonio.

"I had fun, I can't wait to do it again!" I pecked Joe's lips. He grinned over at me, "I'm glad you had fun, because I'm having a great time." he kissed me again, this time pulling me on top of him.

"Joseph! We are not doing it on this tour bus and when Nash is down the hall." he started sucking on my neck.

"He won't hear us,I promise. Ashley and I have done it while the brothers were asleep, everything is fine.." he raised up my shirt.

"That's turn off. Telling me about you and your ex wife's intercourse." I took off his shirt.

"Sorry,baby." he kissed down to my chest

The next day, I was the only one in bed at 10:30 in the morning, Joe got up before me to stay with Nash. I heard the door open. "No, Nash. Mommy is sleeping, let's stay over here." Joe whispered. He grabbed Nash and shut the door behind him.

My abdominal and my pelvic started having pains, I think it's just the pregnancy or Joe went rough last night. I sat up on the bed and slipped my robe on. I opened the door and headed to the front of the bus.

"Morning,baby," I bent down and pecked Joe's lips, "sleep good?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but my abdominal and pelvic bone are hurting, but I think it's just the baby."

"Baby?" Nash jumped up and down beside me. I sat on the couch,picking Nash up. "You're my baby." I kissed all over his face.

I then felt the bus stop. "Why are we stopping?"

"I told him to stop at Egg and I for breakfast." Joe chuckled. No wonder they were all dressed. "Crap, hold on." I put Nash down and rushed over to my suitcase. I threw on a shirt and sweats. I followed them inside when I was done.

We got a table. "Two orange juices and one chocolate milk." Joe told the waitress what we wanted to drink. "I want dat." Nash pointed to something.

"That's bigger than your head,buddy. Let's look at the kid's menu." I leaned over to Nash.

"Dat. Chocowate." he grinned at me, he knew he wasn't going to get this. "How about the Kid's waffle express?"

"No,mommy. I want chocowate." I sighed.

"You get it this time." Joe looked over at me and shrugged. "Thank you,daddy. I love you,daddy." Nash tried to grasp at Joe. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I think I'm going to get viva la france french toast." Joe closed his menu.

"Well, I'm going to have strawberry banana waffle. It sounds delicious." the waiter came back with our drinks and we ordered our food.

I grabbed my phone and took a selfie with Joe and Nash and I sent it to twitter, "San Antonio, WE'RE READY!! Are you?" I grinned. We were a top trend from our concert last night.

"@alwaysjonastic: @ddlovato thank you for letting me see you! I won't ever forget it! I love you so much." I retweeted with a smile. "What are you smiling at?" Joe kissed my temple.

"Oh, just positive feedback from our concert last night... It seems like everyone enjoyed Wouldn't Change A Thing."

I told you,baby," Joe kissed my lips, "I told you they would enjoy it."

They finally brought out our food and I looked over at Nash's plate, "Good luck,putting him to sleep." I smirked at Joe.

"Oh, he'll sleep." Joe raised his eyebrows up and down, making me laugh. I cut up Nash's pancakes. I started eating my food.

Joe, Nash and I explored San Antonio before we had to get to soundcheck. We got back to the tour bus in time for me to shower and get ready.

I slipped on a black knitted maxi dress. I put a dark wash blue jean jacket over it. I put a black fedora on and some flip flops. I had minimal makeup on.

I followed Joe to the stadium. I gave Nash over to the nanny that we hired on the road. "You ready? How's your pain?"

"It still hurts, but I can't take it. Let's go." I took Joe's hand and headed on stage.

"Hey guys!" I waved to the fans.

"We love your outfit,Demi!" the fans yelled, I felt so humble. I looked down at my outfit, "Thank you, guys." I blushed. "She was so stylish from the moment I met her." Joe winked at me, making the fans awe.

"He's just saying that." I blushed even more.

"Am I,babe?" Joe grinned, pointing at the screen behind me. I looked over at the screen and there was a slideshow of all my outfits from the time we first started dating till now. "Was this planned?" I crossed my arms.

"What? No," Joe became red, "I just made it just when the time comes up." I threw my head back laughing. "You're so weird."

I picked a fan who had a question. "Are you a fan of Taylor Swift,Demi?"

I smirked over at Joe, "Well.." I headed over to the piano. I started playing it. "Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye.." I stopped.

The crowd was laughing. "Are you done now? Did that give you enjoyment?" Joe chuckled.

"Well," I began playing the piano again, "And we caught onto something. I hold onto the night,

you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me." I sang rest of the song.

"Thank you,Demi." Joe took a sip of water.

"Anytime, baby." I got up and stood next to Joe. "Demi, marry, fuck and kill? Joe, Nick, and Kevin."

I sighed, "Marry Ni---Joe." I giggled.

"Girl, you better." Joe glared at me, I couldn't help but to laugh.

"I'd fuck Joe then I'll kill him," I threw my head back laughing at myself, "I can't pick between my brother in laws."

We answered a few more questions and sang few songs. We went backstage to do our meet greet. I enjoyed soundcheck and meet and greet.

After meet and greet and we had a quick dinner with the band mates.

We got ready for the concert. I had on a red sleeveless bralette with a zipper in the front. I had on tight leather pants with a matching leather jacket with black combat boots. I had on dark makeup and my hair was curled.

Joe and I got our mics hooked up on us and we headed on stage, starting our show with You're My Favorite Song.

The crowd was even more crazy then the last one, which made the adrenaline going.

Mid of the show, Joe and I had a quick costume change. I had a on black sleeveless wrap bikini top with a long light blue cascade skirt. I changed my boots for heels. We rushed back on stage.

We continued our show with our cover of Thousand Years and Say Something.

We ended out show once again with Wouldn't Change A Thing with water raining on us. "Thank you San Antonio! We love you!" I blew them kisses as I headed off stage. I high fived the crew backstage. "Great show!" they congratulated us.

I headed to my dressing room and changed into some sweats and a tshirt. I felt a bit lightheadedness. I was confused on what was going on. I took my pants down to see if I wasn't bleeding down there since I felt something wet. Surely there was blood.

I hurried over to Joe as fast as I could since I was dizzy. "Babe, we did great!" He pulled me into a hug. My eyes began to close before I told him.

I fainted.  

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