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A month and a few days later;


Joe and I were doing great for a while, but recently we've been distant. We argued constantly. He argued what I was doing in Texas, and I argued back. He posted a snap on his story of him smoking a cigar when years ago I told him not to.

He tried to call me a couple but I ignored him. I think he got the message haven't called since. Nash has been asking to talk to him, but I try to distract him.

"You know he needs to talk to his father, Demi. You at least got to let him talk to his kid." Selena was in Texas, helping me set up a premiere party for Nick's show Kingdom. 

"I'll think about it." I blew up the rest of the balloons. 

"What is up with you?" Selena stared at me.

"Nothing. Just my marriage is in a rough patch. I'm fine." I walked into the kitchen, of course, she followed.

"Demi, I love you but you're acting ridiculous. He's your husband, it was just a cigar. It's nothing. He's having a fun time." I acted like I ignored her and kept getting ready for the party. 

I started making the punch. Nash walks in, "mommy, can I pwease talk to daddy?! I gotta tell him what I did today!" Nash begged. Selena looked at me.

"Fine." I grabbed my phone and face time Joe. I handed Nash my phone and he went to the couch to talk to him.

"You're actually know that?" Selena crossed her arms, "Totally acting moody like you're pregnant or something." she whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not pregnant, just aggravated."

Selena scoffed, "I'm going to go to the store and get some paper plates to match the theme." Selena walked out.

"That's awesome, bud!" I heard Joe's voice. I sighed, looking down at the punch bowl. I was not pregnant, I'm not moody, I'm just mad. I had to tell myself that for reassurance.

"Daddy wants to talk to you." Nash handed me the phone, I wanted to hang up on him, but I had to act well in front of my son.

I grabbed the phone, "hey." I looked at him with no expression.

"Can we please talk. I'm tired of all this shit." he rubbed his face.

"Not now. I have to continue to set up the party. I'll talk to you later." I ended the face time. I put my phone in my pocket and sighed.

Selena and I got the decorations up. Our guests finally arrived. Nick and Jordan surprised us and was at the party. Nick loved it.

The party was hit. Kingdom was amazing. I was really proud of Nick. The show is gonna be a hit, I know it.  People loved the everything, I could become a party planner. I was really happy with the outcome. 

"Thank you so much, Demi. I love it." He hugged me. I hugged him tightly.

"You're welcome. The show is amazing!" He shrugged, smiling.

"Thanks, Dem. Jordan and I are actually going to bowl. You wanna come?" Nick invited.

I accepted his invitation and waited until everyone was out of my house. Selena stayed to watch Nash.

We went to the bowling arena and got our shoes and our bowling balls. Nick put our names on the screen and we started bowling. 

"I'm going to ache in the morning." Jordan joked, she grabbed her bowl and went to bowl. 

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