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We back to Texas a day later and Demi was nothing but silent, so when she was playing with Nash, I went to the back and sat on the lawn chair and called Nick. Nick and her are close,so I wouldn’t be surprise if she told him what’s wrong.

“Hello?” he answered, he sounded tired, I checked the time, it was only 11 in the morning there, “Hey bro.” I played with the bottom of my shirt. “Oh hey dude. Heard the shows went great! Proud of you,man.”

I grinned, “Thanks.” I watched the waves in the pool, “I called you because I got a question..Do have any idea why Demi is upset at me? I can’t think of what I did wrong..”

“ I don’t.” he murmured, “Are you sure?” I raised a brow.

“Yeah. Would I ever lied to you?” he told me, “ lied to me when you were 16...So yes.” he scoffed, “With what? I know for a doubt I have never lied to you. Kevin,yes. You,you’re my best friend,tell me.”

“When we were recording our album, A Little Bit Longer, I wrote my name on a Diet Coke bottle and someone took it, I knew it was you because Kevin doesn’t like Diet Coke. I asked you if you took it and you said no. Kevin told me you did.”

He started laughing, “You’re still pressed?” he laughed again, “It’s been years ago. Kevin told me it wasn’t his,and I didn’t know you had one. I didn’t see it was yours,until you told me. So I’m sorry.”

“You’re forgiven. So do you know any idea why Demi seems...distant towards me?” I heard him take a deep breath, “No...but think really hard..Maybe you said something bad in the show..”

I sighed, “Okay..thanks..”

“I know you guys can fix it.” he seemed positive, “How’s filming going? Can you go to Tennessee with us in July?”

“It’s going awesome. The cast is amazing. We should be done filming by then,if not, I can take days off.” I smirked, “I’m proud of you,brother. I’ll see you then.”

“I see you then. Tell Demi and Nash I said bye. Love you.” I nodded my head, “Tell Jordan I said hey. Love you. Bye.” I hung up and headed inside. Demi was in the kitchen making dinner. “What are we having?”

“Chicken pot pie. Nash wants it.” she kept her eyes on the mix, I sighed. I didn’t like when she was upset at me,but it was sort of a turn on. I has been ever since we met. I headed upstairs to find Nash, he wasn’t no where to be found, so I headed back downstairs.  “Where’s Nash?”

“Basement.” she told me.

I headed downstairs and I heard my voice, I instantly regretted this.

I'll wear a disguise. It’s okay. It’s still me, Joe!” I know what he’s watching, our  old Disney show,JONAS. He was laughing, I sat next to him, “Hey bud.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “Hey daddy! Look at uncle Kevy and Nicky! Nicky has piggys.”

“Piggys?” I looked at him, “Look at his head,daddy.” I threw my head back laughing. I fell over laughing. “Shh,daddy.”

Excellent! I’ll go as Joe, Joe will go as Nick, and Nick will go as me!” Kevin said in the show, Nash giggled, “Silly Kevy!”

“Where did Nicky’s piggies go?” he asked, “He cuts his hair,so his hair doesn’t grow,but if he does,his piggies will be back.” he nodded his head,like he understood. “Where are your piggies?” he climbed onto my lap, “Back then, I straightened my hair,so my piggies were straight and flat. But I did have piggies like Nick and Kevin.”

“I wanna see your piggies,daddy!” he turned his headed to the tv and started laughing, it was the scene where Nick and I were dressed as Santa Claus and we started fighting. I grinned and pulled out my phone. I googled searched myself. I showed him a picture of me with curly hair.

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