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5 weeks later; Demi is 25 weeks pregnant.

Joe did show me the lot that we plan to build our house on. It was very beautiful. I don't blame him for taking it. It was a pretty large lot with an amazing view of Dallas, Texas. Right behind our lot, was trees and a little creek running. I couldn't wait to have our new house now that I saw the lot.

Actually, we were taking Nash to see the lot. We were going to have a picnic on our grass. Joe and I told the designer what we want the house to have and to look like, he's working on a design now.

I got in the car and Joe started driving to our future home. Our house will be closer to Nick & Kevin, but farther away from my parents. By the way, they are acting, I see that as a good sign.

"Where are we going, mommy?" Nash kicked his little feet back and forth in his car seat.

"It's a surprise, baby." I squeezed his little feet.

Joe turned his head and gave me a smile real quick before looking back at the road. He put one hand on my bump. I place one of my hands on top of his.

We got to the lot about 30 minutes later, Joe got a blanket down on the grass and put the basket of food down on the blanket. He helped me sit down.

"You're going to help me get up as well!" I giggled. 

"What's the surprise!?" Nash sat down next to me.

"This is our new home, bud!" Joe ruffled Nash's hair. Nash gave us a confused look.

"We're living outside? Where is my bed? Our heated towels?" he wondered, making Joe & I laugh.

"Our house is being built here...we'll see it soon..." Joe sat down.

"OH," Nash made his mouth form an O, "can I have a swide in my bedwoom!?"

"Of course, you get to have a slide in your bedroom! I know what you want!" Joe passed around the food.

Our we had our lunch, Nashville played with his toys that he brought with him.

I laid my head on Joe's leg as we both watch our little 3-year-old play. "I'm okay with having all boys..." I grinned.

"Good...what made you come to terms with it?" 

"Nashville...if all of our boys turn out like Nashville, then we're okay...because he's funny, and adorable and looks cute like me!" I giggled.

"Hey! That boy looks like me, ma'am." Joe chuckled.

"He does," I looked at him, "but...if our boys act 100% like you, we're putting them up for adoption." 

"Heck yeah, my parents barely could handle me, so I couldn't handle me." Joe laughed again.

I laughed also, "just kidding, we're keeping every one of them." I took his hand that was on me and kissed it.

"You still going dress shopping with Jordan today?" Joe asked. Jordan invited me to help her pick out her wedding dress today. 

"Yeah, I just can't believe they planned on getting married in June...I'm going to be a big whale." I sighed.

"Nick has a thing with June...and you won't be a big whale, don't think that." Joe pecked my lips.

"If you say so..." I looked at our son.

"I was actually thinking...I want to get remarried before we have this baby..." I sat up.

He laughed, "and when do you expect that to happen? It's the first week of're due by the end of July...and once the 3rd trimester starts, you won't be wanting to do anything." 

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