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"I got a movie role with Ashley.." Joe looked up from his book. I don't know if he was worried or I was. Did the directors forget that they were married and had a bad divorce?

"So what are you going to do?" I went over to him, stroking his back. He shrugged his shoulders, looking at the script. "It's an awesome opportunity. It's my first big movie...This will hopefully get my name known and give me more chances to get movies...but I don't know if I can work with my ex wife.."

"It would give great publicity...I think you should go for it...Maybe she'll drop out when she sees your name on the list." I kissed his cheek a couple times.

"You're right...I'm going to do it. I love you." he pecked my lips before I went downstairs. I checked up on Nashville real quick. He was having a great time in his treehouse. I sat on the couch with my phone. 3 missed calls from Nick.

I sighed, "Babe," I yelled from the bottom of the steps, "I'm going to go check on something.. I'll be back. I might take Nash with me so you can pack."

"Okay, baby." Joe responded.

I went to the backyard, "Baby, wanna run some errands with me?" Nash slid down the slide. He nodded. He ran to me and took my hand. I got him in his car seat. I got in the car and drove to a grocery store.

"Gwocewy shopping,mommy?" Nash sighed, I shook my head. "I'll let you get a lollipop and a toy. I promise, baby." I parked my car and got him out. I carried him inside. "caw!" he pointed to the car cart. "Fine." I giggled. I got him in the car. I pushed the cart around the store.

I put some boxes of chocolate in the cart. I kept thinking what was a good gift for Nick. I came across stuff animals. "Perfect!" I put a large stuffed bear in the cart. I also got Nash one. I went to check out. I let Nash get a toy car and some candy of his choice.

I got him in the car first before I got everything in the car. I got in the car and drove to Nick's. "Why are you giving Nicky gifts, mommy?"

"Mommy was really mean to Nicky, so I got him gifts so he can forgive me."

"I'd forgive you, mommy. I love you,mommy." he smiled at me in the mirror. My baby boy. "Aw, I love you too,baby."

I pulled up in Nick's driveway. I got Nash out of his carseat. I handed him the chocolate and I carried the big stuff teddy bear. We headed to the door. I rang the doorbell. I covered my face with the bear.

I heard someone open the door, I prayed it was Nick.

"I hope Nick Jonas will accept my friend's, Demi, apology. She is so sorry..." I pulled my bear down off my face. Nick had a smirk on his face, "What do you think this is? 3rd grade? You don't have to get me a big stuffed bear and chocolate to make me accept your apology." he chuckled.

"Well, the chocolate is for Jordan," I notice he was shirtless, "um, did I interrupt something?" Nick picked up Nash, putting the chocolate on the table.

"We were getting ready to head to Kevin's. We want to see the babies." I walked in, putting the bear in a chair.

"Uncle Kevy?" Nash lightened up. Nick nodded his head, he set Nash down. "Go get Jordan and tell her that we're ready to go."

Nash nodded his cute little head and ran upstairs.

"Is your face okay? God forbid, I bruise that handsome face.." I looked down. He chuckled, "It's fine, I'm fine. It didn't really hurt. You slap like a girl."

I giggled a little bit, "Nick, I am soo sorry. Sorry can't explain how much I feel bad. You're my brother in law and my best friend. I didn't mean anything what I said... I was just worried for my boy."

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